“I’m a problem solver.”

“Oh good, can I hire you?” she said jokingly.

“I’m not cheap.”

“I wouldn’t let you sit there if I thought you were.”

“So what is it you do?”

“Not much anymore.”


“No, didn’t work out.”

“Me either.”

She glanced at his hand. “Not married now?”

“Divorced. Never got back in the saddle.”

“So what did you do to make your little woman divorce you?”

“I apparently snore, very loudly.”

“There’s a surefire cure for that.”

“Really? What?”

“Getting your brains screwed out.”

He smiled. “Damn, should I start blushing now or what?”

“Just making a comment. It’s not necessarily directed at you, although you’re a very attractive man, but you don’t need me to sit here and tell you that. Do you?” Her tone was blunt, aggressive. The woman was not flirting with him now. There was definitely something else going on.

He glanced at his watch. Michelle would be showing up soon. And he didn’t want to push Valerie too much the first time out.

“I’m sorry if I’m boring you,” she said in an annoyed tone.

He looked up to see her offended gaze on him.

“I just have an appointment I have to get to.”

“Well, then you better get to it. Then I can finish my drink in peace for a change.”

“Valerie, I saw that other guy hitting on you. I’m not like that.”

“Famous last words.”

He reached in his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper and wrote something on it. He handed it to her. “I’ve got to go now, but here’s my number.”

“Why would I want your number?”

“For now let’s just call it new friends exchanging information.” He looked at her expectantly. “You don’t have to give me your number if you don’t want to.”

“Good, because I don’t think I want to.”

He finished his Mojito and rose. “Pleasure making your acquaintance, Valerie.”