She didn’t answer him, yet he could feel her gaze burn into his back with every step he took away. Outside in the cruiser Sean filled in Hayes on the encounter.

“Do you have a death wish!” the lawman exclaimed. “Whitfield looked like he wanted to kill you for asking him a single question about Camp Peary. Can you imagine what he’d do to you if he finds out you’re screwing around with his wife?”

“I just had a drink with the lady. At first she was friendly, but then something happened and all of a sudden she wasn’t. That’s one reason I beat a retreat.”

“Maybe she’s used to people trying to poke around to find out about her husband and using her to do it. Just like you are!”

They drove back to Babbage Town in silence. As Sean got out of the car he said, “I have a couple of associates coming down to join me. Would you like to extend to them the same arrangement you made with me?”

“You mean to partner?”

Sean nodded.

“I don’t know, are they any good?”

“As good as me, if not better.”

“Well, maybe I will seeing as how you’re probably going to get yourself killed by a jealous husband real soon.”

As Hayes drove out the gate of Babbage Town Sean saw the wink of lights heading toward him. As the truck drew closer he took a deep breath.

Michelle Maxwell had arrived.



SEAN FEIGNED SURPRISE at seeing Michelle, but didn’t ask for a lengthy explanation, instead turning his attention to getting her inside the compound. It took a heated argument with the security guards at the front gate and finally a call to Champ Pollion, who came out to settle the dispute.

When Champ first saw Michelle, the brilliant physicist was instantly reduced to a puppy begging for attention.

“Yes, of course you can stay,” Champ said, stammering slightly as he held out his hand to Michelle.

Sean said, “Maybe we can grab some chow in the dining room while we discuss the case.”

“Fine,” Michelle said, her gaze on Champ. “Thank you, Mr. Pollion.”

“Please, call me Champ.”

“I’m sure you live up to your name,” she said.

As they drove off Sean glanced back at Champ and saw his look of longing at Michelle.

In your freaking dreams, pal.

The dining room was mostly empty at this hour, but true to its 24/7 policy, the Babbage Town chefs were on duty and in a matter of fifteen minutes they had hot food and coffee in front of them.

Sean filled Michelle in on everything, including the attempt on his life, his theory on Rivest’s murder, and his brief conversation with Valerie Messaline. In turn, Michelle brought him up to date on what she’d found out from her friend at the National Intelligence Center.

“I heard a plane landing around two A.M. my first night here. A big one. I wondered why I couldn’t see any running lights.”

“My contact at NIC also told me that Ian Whitfield is a man not to be crossed.”

“Trust me, I’d already gotten that impression,” Sean said.

“So you’re partnering with this Sheriff Hayes?”

Sean stirred some sugar into his coffee. “It seemed like a good way to keep in the loop.”