Page 22 of Forever Changed


I’ve never been so humiliated in all my life. Mama always said that I would need to overcome some tests to be initiated into the sisterhood, but that was horrifying. I’m so thankful Sassy brought me my bikini, otherwise everyone would have seen my boobs and butt. Not that it wouldn’t have matched the other girls. I’m just glad no one from home saw this. I glance at the door, watching as that guy in the devil mask shoves another guy out the door. He grabs his hand and gives him a big smile. I wish someone looked at me like that. Figures all the nice guys are gay.

Penny comes storming up to me with fake concern dripping off her.

"Oh no. I guess you won't be able to party after all. Why don't you head back to Jhonson Hall, and get some rest. You must be exhausted. I'll text you tomorrow."

I nod my agreement then shuffle outside and head back to my dorm. My vision is blurry, and wiping my eyes isn't helping. They still sting from the drink that was ‘accidentally’ thrown into my face. Yeah, that chick may have tried to convince me it was an accident and that she was nice, but I’ve been around fake people my whole life. I know a spoiled, rich bitch, when I see one. No one is in the lobby or the front desk of Jhonson Hall, and I sigh in relief. I know I smell like a bar, and I do not need my first write up before classes have even started. I drag myself up the stairs and head straight to the showers. Not even bothering to remove my clothes, I step in under the cool water and let the sobs take me.

This is not how I pictured today going. I don’t know if I even want to pledge Kippa Nu after that, but I made a promise and I have to see it through. My mama wouldn’t have set me up for a miserable college experience, and some of the girls were genuinely nice. At least when Penny and Ella weren't around.

I run the water through my messy hair and get out. I don’t have any shower supplies so I end up leaving a puddle on the tile. I glance up and yelp. A boy is standing there at the other cubicles looking worried. I place my hand on my chest, trying to catch my breath.

“Are you okay? I heard someone crying. Here.” He hands me a large light blue towel and I take it with trembling hands.

“Yeah, I’m sorry. You scared me. Today has been a day. Thank you.” I offer him a shaky smile.

“Don’t worry about it,” he says with a shrug, before turning and leaving the bathroom.

“Wait,” I call out, and he pauses. “What’s your name?” I ask, and he glances over his shoulder, wincing. Yeah, I must make a glorious sight. “Nate. I’ll see you around, Daisy,” he says leaving me confused.Daisy?I wrap the towel around my body, then shuffle my dress off underneath it, laughing when the print comes into my view. There are daisies on the pattern, I forgot about that.

I enter my dorm, trying to be quiet, but I shouldn't have worried. Sassy is wide awake with a carton of ice cream watching a scary movie. I shut the door with a soft click and shuffle to my room.

“Holy shit,” she screams. "You scared the hell out of me. How are you so quiet? Wait, what's wrong?” She jumps up and comes to me. I rush to my room and throw the towel to the floor.

“Fuck.” Sassy gasps, and I cringe. I reach down and grab the towel, rewrapping it around my body. “I am so sorry, Sassy. I’m so used to dressing around my girls, I didn’t think.”

She laughs nervously and comes to give me a hug. “Not going to lie, babe, you’re smoking hot. If you liked the ladies I would marry you tomorrow.”

That brings a chuckle and smile to my lips.

“So are you going to tell me why you smell like a white russian, and are crying?”

I nod and sniffle. “I will. Let me just get some clothes on first.”

She leaves my room and gently closes the door. I glance at the picture by my bed, then close my eyes, praying that things get better.Mom, if you can hear me, please give me a sign.I throw on an old football jersey of Memphis’ that I like to sleep in and take a deep breath. Wiping the tears from my face, I open my door, preparing myself to tell Sassy about my horrific night.



Sunday morning hits, my last day before classes start. I pull my phone out and stare at Cara’s number. I need to tell her, before all these lies and secrets bite me in the ass. Xavier comes storming in, throwing his shit on the couch.

“What’s up?” I ask him.

“Dude, we missed out on the best party last night. All because we’re fucking freshman. Such bullshit. I haven’t been laid since the beach,” he snarls, then pouts. I roll my eyes and look at my phone again.

“I haven’t been laid for six months, man. You can handle another few days. Once classes start you will be smothered in chicks.” He brightens at that and sits on the coffee table. He nods his head towards my phone. “Have you told her yet?” I shake my head, and he sighs.

“Cara’s a cool chick. She’ll understand, but if you keep pushing this off it’s going to upset her more,” he says, before walking to his room. The door shuts and his music starts blasting.

Fuck, I know he is right. It’s really not even a big deal. I don’t know why we didn’t just tell her from the beginning. I toss my phone on the table and lean back on the couch, closing my eyes, and picturing the day I tried teaching her to surf.

“Con, I really don’t think I can do this,” Cara says, nervously looking at the waves and the hot pink surfboard I rented for her. I walk closer and stand behind her, placing my hands on her hips. She gasps and I lean down to whisper in her ear. “You got this Carson. Just remember to bend your knees and keep them bent. Xav and I will be with you, okay?”

She starts to nod yes, then shakes out her hands a few times, before taking a deep breath. I step back and she spins to face me, with the biggest smile on her face. “Thank you, Con,” she whispers before grabbing my neck and pulling my lips to hers. I smile as she breaks the kiss, and nod towards the water.

“Are you ready, babe?” Xav comes up and grabs her by the hips, flipping her over his shoulder. She laughs and I follow them, picking up her surfboard as I go. She squeals as the cool water hits her chest, and Xavier falls down from her shoving him. He comes up for air sputtering and Cara is laughing so hard, tears start to stream down her face. I stand and watch. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her so carefree, so happy. I like it.