Page 23 of Forever Changed

That day on the beach was one of my favorites, and when we got home I made a reckless decision that Xav followed. I really hope this doesn’t come back to bite me in the ass.

“Hey man, I’m starving. Let’s go grab some grub,” Xav says, slapping my thigh and pulling me from my memories. I open my eyes and sit up.

“Yeah sounds good,” I say, glancing at my phone.

“Dude, just fucking call her. Stop acting like a pussy.” I scoff, but I know he’s right. I stand, pick up my phone and slip it in my pocket.

“We can give her a call after food,” I say, and he rolls his eyes at me. I grab my wallet and follow him out to the hall. I can’t help but glance both ways. Checking the coast is clear. I really am such a dumbass.

We walk outside and turn left towards a small cafe.

Oh shit.“Hey, I forgot something. I’ll meet you there.” I turn back to go inside and he keeps walking. I wait till I’m in the clear, then find a tree to hide behind.Wow, she’s so beautiful.Pictures don’t do her justice.

I spot Cara at the coffee cart talking with another girl. There is also another guy with his eyes on her every move. If I wasn’t doing the same thing I’d find it a bit weird, but that’s just Carson Matthews’ MO. She lures people in like a siren, but instead of being a cold hearted bitch, she’s sweet and caring.

“Dude, why are you hiding behind a tree?” Xavier whispers in my ear, startling the shit out of me.

“Bro, stop sneaking up on me. I thought you were going to get food?” I give him a gentle shove, putting some room between us.

“Yeah, you were taking too long, so I came to see what you were up to.” He glances towards the cart and smiles.

“Cara is over there. I don’t want her to see me.”

He shoves beside me and glances that way again. We watch like some creepers, until he can’t take it anymore.

“I’m done with this shit.” He groans, and before I can stop him, he walks off in her direction. All I can do is watch in horror as he goes up behind her and wraps his arms tight against her waist. She freezes then gets a huge smile on her face after he whispers something in her ear. She spins around and jumps in his arms, squeezing his neck hard. His hands slide down to her ass and I growl. My feet lead me over to them before my brain catches up with what I’m doing.Shit!I spin to run back to my stalker spot, but it’s too late. “Connor?” a small voice asks me. I take a deep breath, then spin.

“Cara hey, I forgot you went here.” I cringe and she gives me a look of annoyance.

“Yeah, mister, that isn’t going to fly. What are you guys doing here?” she asks, placing her hands on her hips, giving me a pout. I sigh and run my hand over my face.

“Um, well you see. We kinda go here too.”

Her eyes widen, and mouth opens a little in surprise. She gazes up at me with a look of confusion and hurt.

“We talk almost every day. How could it not come up that you went here—” she glances back at Xav “—both of you?”

At least he has the foresight to wince. I seriously hate confrontation and when I get backed into a corner I tend to turn into an asshole. My mouth runs before I can catch it and I don’t miss the flash of hurt in her eyes.

“In my defense, in all of our conversations you never once asked what college I was attending.” She steps back as if I struck her and places a hand on her chest, before lowering her head and biting her lip.

“You’re absolutely right. How bad of a friend am I? I am so sorry. For what it’s worth I am so glad to see you guys.”

Fuck, I really am a moron. I walk closer and place a finger under her chin, bringing her eyes to mine.

“It’s really nice to see you too, and for what it’s worth I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.” I let her chin go and open my arms for her to give me a hug.

“So I guess you won’t be visiting me in a few weeks after all?” she asks, and I laugh, shaking my head.

“This is better. Now we can see each other whenever we want.”

Feeling left out, Xav comes over to our little hug and wraps his arms around us both. From how he acts with her, you would never know that we only recently became such good friends, because it seems like they’ve been friends forever.

“Cara?” a barista shouts and we let her go get her drink. I punch Xav in the arm hard when her back is turned.

“You’re such an asshole. That is not how I planned to surprise her.” I complain

“Totally worth it,” he says, giving me a beaming grin and rubbing the spot I hit. “Now we can hang out at the sorority house, with her new sisters.” He gives an obnoxious eyebrow wiggle that makes me want to hit him harder.Seriously, he’s thinking about his fucking dick right now?