The sheriff nodded. “We’ve already checked your alibi. People remembered seeing you up in Virginia at the time Loretta was killed.”

“So what was the motive?” asked Parks. He held up his hands when they looked at him. “What you’ve just described is a motiveless crime. Unless the lady had some enemies you don’t know about. Or maybe it’s a random killer, but my gut tells me it isn’t. Money in the mouth: this was personal.”

The sheriff shook his head. “Loretta Baldwin was the last person who would have any enemies. I mean, okay, she had a sharp tongue, and the gossip that came out her mouth, it was eye-opening, though usually right on the money. But it was little stuff. Nothing anybody would murder her over.”

“Well, you never know,” said King. “What may seem little to you might be really important to someone else.”

The sheriff nodded but looked unconvinced. “Maybe.” He stood. “Okay, I’ve got your statements. You’re free to go.”

As they started to leave, Michelle went over to the sheriff.

“The Fairmount, do you know who owns it now?”

“Last I heard it was some Japanese company bought it, wanted to turn it into a country club with a golf course.” He chuckled. “I guess they didn’t do their homework. The hotel has a lot of land, but most of it is wetlands. And there’s not more than a handful of folks around here who know what a golf club even looks like.”

“Do you know the name of the security service that guards the hotel?”

He looked puzzled. “What security service?”

Michelle hid her surprise and rejoined King and Parks.

“So how’d you get down here so fast?” King asked him.

“My men were following you.”

“Take my advice, that’s a waste of resources.”

“Yeah, it’s been pretty damn boring so far.”

Michelle said, “Marshal, there’s something that happened tonight. It has nothing to do with the murder of Loretta Baldwin, but I believe it has something to do with John Bruno’s disappearance.”

“Bruno?” Parks looked puzzled. “How the hell does Bruno figure into this?”

Michelle told him about the man she’d seen.

He shook his head. “How can you be sure it was him? You barely caught a glimpse of a man in poor light.”

“I’m a Secret Service agent. Reading and remembering faces is what I do.”

Parks still looked skeptical. “Well, okay, then tell the FBI. It’s their case. I’m just trying to find out who killed one of my witnesses.” He glanced over at King. “And also trying to keep tabs on this fellow, and he’s not making it easy,” he growled.

“You want me to wait around until you collect enough evidence to hang me?”

“I have enough to arrest you right now if I wanted to. So don’t tempt me.” He glowered at them both. “So you two heading back to good old Virginia?”

King said, “Well, I’ve pretty much had my fill of good old Bowlington.”



SO I GUESS you don’t believe me either.” It was early in the morning, and Michelle and King were driving back to Wrightsburg.

“About what?” King asked.

“Simmons! The man I saw in the truck.”

“I believe you. You saw what you saw.”