She looked at him, surprised. “Well, Parks clearly didn’t, why do you?”

“Because a Secret Service agent never forgets a face.”

She smiled. “I knew I liked having you around. And look, there’s something else. There apparently isn’t a security firm guarding the Fairmount. So the guy who stopped me was a fake.”

King looked very concerned. “Michelle, it could have been the same guy who killed Loretta.”

“I know. I dodged a bullet there.”

“What did he look like??

? Michelle described him. “Sounds like a couple billion guys walking around. Nothing distinctive.”

“That was probably intentional. So another dead end? That seems to be a recurring theme in this case.”

Later that morning, they pulled onto the drive heading up to King’s house. When they reached the top, King’s face darkened.

“Oh, hell,” he exclaimed as he looked up ahead. An annoyed-looking Joan Dillinger was pacing in front of his house.

Michelle had seen her too. “The esteemed Ms. Dillinger doesn’t look very happy.”

“I know you’re suspicious of her, but play it cool. She’s one sharp lady.”

Michelle nodded.

King got out of the truck and walked up to Joan.

“I’ve been calling you,” she said.

“I’ve been out of town,” explained King.

She started when Michelle climbed out of the Land Cruiser.

Glancing suspiciously at King and then back at Michelle, she said, “You’re Agent Maxwell?”

“Yes. We actually met a few years ago when you were still with the Service.”

“Of course. And you’ve certainly made a splash in the papers recently.”

“That’s right,” Michelle said. “Coverage I could do without.”

“I’m sure. What a surprise to see you here,” Joan said as she looked at King intently. “I didn’t know you and Sean even knew each other.”

“It’s a recent thing,” said King.

“Uh-huh.” Joan touched Michelle on the elbow. “Michelle, would you excuse us? I have something to talk about with Sean that’s very important.”

“Oh, no problem. I’m pretty beat anyway.”

“Sean has that effect on lots of women. In fact, he could even be considered hazardous to some people’s health.”

The two women engaged in a stare-down. “Thanks for the tip, but I can take care of myself,” said Michelle.

“I’m sure. But given the right opponent, you could find yourself out of your league.”

“Actually that’s never happened to me.”

“Me either. They say the first time is truly memorable.”