“No problem. Calm down.” Carl strode over, took the ball out of Morse’s hand and gave it back to Buddy. Buddy turned to King and held out the ball. “Your turn!”

King looked at Carl, who smiled and said, “It’s okay. It’s just a reflex action. Docs here have a long name for it, but that’s the only thing Sid does. The others get a big kick out of it.”

King shrugged and gently tossed the ball to Morse, who caught it again.

“So, does anyone ever visit Sid?” Joan asked Carl.

“Brother used to when he first got here, but he ain’t been around for a long time now. I guess Sid was some big deal years ago ’cause we had some reporters come by when he was admitted. But that didn’t last long after they saw what shape he was in. Now nobody comes. He just sits in that chair.”

“And catches the ball,” added Joan.


As they were leaving, Buddy came racing up after Joan and King. He had the tennis ball in his hand. “You can have this if you want to. I have lots of others.”

King took the ball. “Thanks, Buddy.”

Buddy held up his rabbit. “Thank Buddy too.”

“Thanks, Buddy.”

He looked at Joan and held up the rabbit even higher. “Kiss Buddy?”

King nudged Joan with his elbow. “Go ahead, he’s cute.”

“What, I don’t even get dinner first?”

Joan pecked the rabbit on the cheek. Then she said, “So are you good friends with Sidney? I mean Sid.”

Buddy nodded so hard his chin hit his chest.

“His room’s right next to mine. Wanna see?”

King looked at Joan. “We’re here.”

“In for a dime, in for a dollar,” she replied with a shrug.

Buddy took Joan’s hand and led them down a hallway. King and Joan weren’t sure they were supposed to be in this area without an attendant, but no one stopped them.

Buddy halted in front of one room and slapped the door. “This is my room! Wanna see? It’s cool.”

“Sure,” said Joan. “Maybe you have some more Buddys in there.”

Buddy opened the door and then immediately closed it. “I don’t like people looking at my stuff,” he said, staring at them anxiously.

King let out a long, exasperated sigh. “Okay, Buddy, your house, your rules.”

“Is this Sid’s room?” Joan was pointing to the door to the left of Buddy’s.

“Nope, this one.” Buddy opened the door to the right.

“Is this okay, Buddy?” asked King. “Can we go in?”

“Is this okay, Buddy? Can we go in?” Buddy repeated, looking at the two with a big smile.

Joan was scanning the hallway and saw no one watching. “I think it’s okay, Buddy. Why don’t you keep watch outside?” She slipped inside, and King followed and closed the door. A suddenly panicked-looking Buddy stood by the door.

Inside they looked around the Spartan quarters. “Sidney Morse’s fall was long and complete,” commented Joan.