“They often are,” King said distractedly as he examined the place. The smell of urine was very strong in here. King wondered how often the sheets were changed. There was a small table in the corner. On it were several photographs, all without frames. King picked them up. “I guess no sharp objects in the room like glass and metal.”

“Morse doesn’t look capable of suicide, or anything else for that matter.”

“You never know, he could swallow that tennis ball and choke to death.” King examined the pictures. There was one of two young men in their teens. One held a baseball bat. He said, “The Morse brothers. They look to be around high school age.” He held up another photo. “And I guess these are their parents.”

Joan joined him and looked at the photos. “Their mother was pretty homely.”

“Homely but rich. That makes a big difference to a lot of people.”

“The dad was very handsome.”

“As I said, the prominent lawyer.”

Joan took the photo and held it up. “Both boys took after their father. Sidney was chunky even back then but nice-looking. Peter was good-looking too… nice build, with the same eyes as his brother.” She studied the confident way he held the baseball bat. “He was probably a jock in high school who hit his peak at eighteen and went rapidly downhill from there. Drugs and bad news.”

“Wouldn’t be the first time.”

“How old would Peter be now?”

“A little younger than Sidney, so early fifties maybe.”

She gazed at Peter’s face. “Sort of a Ted Bundy type. Good looking and charming, and he’ll slit your throat the minute you let your guard down.”

“Reminds me of some women I’ve known.”

There was a small box in the corner. King went over and sifted through the contents. They included a number of old, yellowed newspaper clippings. Most chronicled Sidney Morse’s career.

Joan was peering over his shoulder. “Nice of his brother to bring this scrapbook of sorts along. Even if Sidney can’t read it.” King didn’t answer. He kept going through the pages.

King held up one very curled newspaper article. “This talks about Morse’s early career staging plays. I remember him telling me about it. He really put together these elaborate productions. I don’t think any of them made any money, though.”

“Not that he probably cared. The son of a rich mom can afford to dally like that.”

“Well, he gave it up at some point and started to really work for a living. Although you could say he ran Ritter’s campaign like a stage production.”

“Anything else before we officially rule Sidney Morse a complete and total dead end?” she asked.

“Shouldn’t we look under the bed?” asked King.

Joan eyed him disdainfully. “That’s a boy job.”

King sighed and cautiously peered under the bed. He rose quickly.

“Well?” she asked.

“You don’t want to know. Let’s get out of here.”

As they left the room, Buddy was right there waiting.

“Thanks for your help, Buddy,” Joan said. “You’ve been a real peach.”

He looked at Joan excitedly. “Kiss Buddy?”

“I already did, Buddy,” she reminded him politely.

Buddy suddenly looked ready to cry. “No, this Buddy.” He pointed to himself.

Joan’s mouth dropped, and she glanced at King, obviously looking for help.