The barman handed Humberto his drink. He nodded his thanks, then raised the glass.

"To Jorge Guillermo," he said, "May he find your mother in heaven as beautiful as he remembered her."

Clete touched his glass.

"And the horses be fast, and the champagne properly chilled," Clete said.

Where the hell did that come from?

Humberto chuckled and took a sip.

"Yes," he said.

"I watched the Husares de Pueyrred¢n move him from the Edificio Libertador last night," Clete said. "

I think el Coronel would have been pleased with his funeral."

"He loved parades," Humberto said. "Particularly if he was leading it."

"He was too goddamned young to die," Clete said. "And like that!"

"Yes," Humberto said. "Cletus, that brings up a somewhat delicate matter."

"What's that?"

"The reception will start in about fifteen minutes. There are already people arriving."

Clete nodded and waited for him to go on.

"There will be a reception line..."

"Can I get out of that?"

"... and among the guests expected are Ambassador von Lutzenberger and members of his staff from the German Embassy. I believe Major von Wachtstein will be among them."

Clete's eyebrows shot up, but he said nothing.

"We see a good deal of Ambassador von Lutzenberger and his staff so-cially," Humberto went on. "Your aunt Beatrice added many of them to our list after their many courtesies to us when Jorge Alejandro was brought home. She is especially fond of Major von Wachtstein. There are, of course, certain ad-vantages to the situation."

"I'm not sure I'm up to standing in a reception line and smiling at the mur-dering sonsofbitches."

"I think everyone will understand that you are indisposed."

"Is that what I am, 'indisposed'?" Clete said, and then, softly, "Speaking of Germans, I saw Peter von Wachtstein last night."

"Was that wise? If you were seen..."

"We weren't," Clete said. "He's very concerned that my father had some records..."

"The records of certain financial transactions," Humberto said. "I'm very concerned myself."

"Plus a personal letter from Peter's father."

"I know about the letter, too."

"But you don't know where they are?"

"They're most likely in your father's safe at Estancia San Pedro y San Pablo," Humberto said. "God, I hope they are!"