"I don't know what safe you're talking about."

"It's in your father's study."

"I'd like to get in it as soon as possible. Who has the combination?"

"I was hoping you would have it."

"No. I didn't even know there was a safe until just now."

"Well, I know Claudia doesn't have the combination," Humberto said. "She asked me for it."

"Why does she want it?"

"I simply presumed there were personal things-letters perhaps-that she didn't want anybody else to see. Wanted to get them out of the safe before you started going through it."

"So how do I get in it?"

"Right now, I don't know. Let me think about it. But for the moment, un-less you want to see the Germans, you'd better get out of here."

"Where do I go?"

"The upstairs sitting," Humberto said. "I will instruct the servants who is to be taken there to pay their respects to you privately. The Mallins, for example. And there is an American officer..."

"An American officer? Do you have his name?"

"Teniente Pelosi," Humberto said. "I have his card." He handed it to Clete.

Anthony Joseph Pelosi

First Lieutenant, Corps of Engineers

Army of the United States

Assistant Military Attach‚

Embassy of the United States of America

"I really want to see him," Clete said. "But I don't want to make it obvious. Wait until the place is full of people, and then send him upstairs."


"Make sure he doesn't get away. He may think I don't want to see him."

"I understand," Humberto said.

"Right," Clete said. "Humberto, thank you. And when this is all over, I re-ally need to talk to you."

"I was about to say almost exactly those words," Humberto said. "There are business matters that need immediate decisions. Perhaps we can find the time over the weekend. We will have to find the time over the weekend. Can I show you the way?"

"I know where it is, thank you."

Suboficial Mayor Enrico Rodriguez, in Husares de Pueyrred¢n uniform, jumped to attention when Clete walked into the upstairs sitting, startling Clete enough that in a Pavlovian Marine officer's reflex, he barked, "As you were!"

"Mi Mayor?" Enrico asked, baffled.

"One, stand at ease, Enrico, and two, stop calling me 'Major.'"

"Por favor, mi Mayor," Enrico said. "My last service to mi Coronel."