Page 25 of One Hot Chance

She threads her fingers through my hair, peppering light kisses over my throat.

I haul in breath after breath until I've regained some of my wits. Then I withdraw from her body reluctantly---she feels so fucking good---then toss the condom in the bin beside the bed and roll onto my side next to her. Elena still seems dazed, her eyes closed and her breathing heavy.

"Have I done you in?" I ask.

"Mm-mm." She takes a deep breath, exhaling it slowly, and flips onto her stomach. Her elbows raise her head and shoulders as she throws me a sidelong look, her sexy lips curling into a smile of pure satisfaction. "That was fantastic. Elevator sex was hot, but this was beyond better."

"Glad you enjoyed yourself." I skate my palm along the curve of her spine. "You are the most sensual woman I've ever taken to bed."

"So, what now? Dinner? Or more sex?" She tosses her hair in a deliberately saucy way. "I vote for more sex, followed by room service."

"But you wore a sexy frock for me. Don't you want the elegant dinner I promised you?"

"Yeah, but I want more of you first. How late is the restaurant open?"

"Until ten, I think." I run my palm back up her spine and along her shoulder. "I need to tell Raisa I'm seeing someone."

Yes, don't I know exactly how to ruin a mood? As much as I'd rather make love to Elena for hours, we need to talk about how this will work once we get back to, well, work.

Elena springs up into a sitting position, her wide eyes on me. "You can't tell Raisa we're dating. She'll fire me so fast the whole building will spin. I'll never get another job if she tells everyone what a husband-stealing slut I am."

"I won't tell her who I'm dating. But she needs to know I am seeing someone, so she'll give up her ridiculous idea that she and I might reconcile."

"Oh, I'm sure that'll put her in a great mood."

"Relax, we can get through this together." I sit up and frisk my hands up and down her arms. "We're adults, and we don't need permission to have a relationship. Raisa will calm down, eventually."

Elena's head droops, her hair falling over her face. "I'm such a scummy liar. Raisa asked me to help her win you back, and instead I sleep with you."

"She had no right to order you to interfere in her personal life." I cradle Elena's face in my hands, lifting her head so she looks at me. "I want you, Elena, not my ex-wife. I like you, and I want us to get to know each other. That's what dating is, right? It's been a while since I tried it."

"I like you too, Chance. And I want the same thing, but..."

Raisa. My ex-wife is the "but" standing between me and Elena. I need to clear the air with Raisa and make sure she understands there is no chance of reconciliation. I've told her before, many times, but this time she will listen. She has to.

Because I will never give up Elena.

"Let me handle Raisa," I say. "Maybe it was a mistake for me to take the job at her firm. Quitting might be the best way to prove to her I mean it when I say it's over."

"Fabulous idea," Elena says with breezy sarcasm. "That'll put her in a terrific mood. I'll be fired ten seconds after you quit and blacklisted an hour later."

"Raisa isn't vindictive. She's still coming to terms with the divorce, but she will get over it."

"Maybe you should find her a boyfriend, so I don't have to play matchmaker for the two of you."

I cup her face again and kiss her gently. "Don't assume the worst. Let's see how this plays out when I tell Raisa I'm dating someone else."

Elena moans with so much misery that I can't help folding my arms around her. "Trust me. I know Raisa, and she listens to me. I will not let her do anything rash."

She snuggles into me, her cheek on my shoulder, the sweet warmth of her surrounding me. "Okay. I trust you. Do whatever you think is best."

"Thank you." I comb my fingers through her hair, loving the feel of the silky strands on my skin. "Everything will work out, you'll see."

And I pray I won't be making a liar of myself.

Chapter Ten
