Page 26 of One Hot Chance

The next morning, everything starts out wonderful. I wake up with Chance's body molded to mine, his arm draped over my belly and his breaths fluttering my hair. We both lie on our sides, and his stiffening cock pushes against my backside. I lie there for a few minutes, enjoying the comfort of starting the morning this way and remembering all the pleasure we gave each other last night.

Eventually, Chance wakes up. Before I can even finish saying good morning, he's making love to me. It's the sweetest sleepy sex ever, and the best way to start the morning.

But afterward, I have to disappoint us both. "I need to work today, and tomorrow. Not only do I have stuff to do for you, but Raisa piled on more."

"I should work too, but I'd much rather stay in bed with you."

His sleepy-sexy voice makes me want to curl up with him under the covers and never leave. But we both know what we need to do, so we climb out of bed and take a shower together. Okay, maybe that "shower" involved orgasms. We did get clean too...eventually.

I freak out when I realize I'll be walking into the office wearing a red evening dress that's a rumpled advertisement for the fact I didn't sleep at home last night. My panic seems to amuse Chance.

He smiles and says, "The hotel has a boutique, and there's a clothing store down the street. I'll pay, obviously, since it's my fault your clothes are a mess. I'm the one who tossed your frock on the floor and never bothered to pick it up."

"Even if it wasn't wrinkled, I can't wear an evening dress to work."

"I said I'll buy you whatever you need."

Maybe I should say no to letting him buy me an outfit, but I can't think of any reason not to let him. I need work-appropriate clothes. Sure, I should've thought to bring an outfit for the morning, but I'd expected to leave after dinner and sex. We never made it to the hotel restaurant, though. Chance ordered room service, and we fed each other while naked on the bed. Which probably explains the crumbs stuck to my ass.

Last night was so good I half suspect I dreamed it.

Today might turn into a waking nightmare. Raisa will be at the office for sure.

Way to be positive, Elena.

I pull on my fancy dress and let Chance take me to the hotel boutique. Everything is so expensive I don't feel comfortable buying a new outfit there.

"Go on," Chance says in a tone so seductive I'm ready to do anything he asks. "Splash out this one time."

Yeah, I'll probably do that if I figure out what the heck it means. "I'm not planning to jump in a swimming pool."

He makes a sound that's halfway between a laugh and a sigh. "Splash out means to spend an obscene amount of money on something you don't need."

"But I do need clothes, something I can wear to work without making everybody think I've won the lottery. Please take me to the shop down the street." I raise my hands, palms pressed together in a pleading gesture. "Please, please, please."

"Have it your way."

We head down to the other boutique, which turns out to be middle-of-the-road expensive instead of I'm-married-to-royalty extravagant. I choose an elegant but reasonably priced pantsuit, ignoring Chance's flirtatious comments about how much he loves me in a skirt. I love his smile and his winks whenever he tells me something like that.

We agree to arrive at work separately. Chance goes first, since he always gets there earlier than anyone else except for Raisa. This morning, he's not as early as usual. I amble in twenty minutes later.

Only a handful of my coworkers are there. I briefly wonder if some of those lucky dogs got the weekend off, then realize they're probably off doing research somewhere or writing summaries in their PJs at home.

Chance is already in Raisa's office. I can't see them because the door is closed and the glass has been turned opaque, but I hear their voices. Even when I can't understand the words, I recognize Chance's voice. And I realize, based on their tones, that they're arguing.

Not loud enough to raise eyebrows. Luckily, everyone else is busy and not paying attention to the voices coming from Raisa's office.

I sit down at my desk and try to work, but my gaze keeps gravitating to the door to Raisa's office. How bad is it in there? Is Chance okay? I can't go in there to check without some legitimate excuse.

Grabbing a folder from my desk, I march up to Raisa's office door. Their voices are louder now, but I still can't make out the words. Chance sounds annoyed. Very annoyed.

I hesitate for a couple seconds, then knock.

Everything goes quiet inside the office.

The toe of my brand-new shoe taps furiously while I chew the inside of my lip.

At last, the door swings open.