Page 13 of Baby

“The hell I’m not!” Sinner interrupts, and the brothers break out in a varied chorus of ‘shut ups.’

“You never should’ve taken her, Saint. She’s not like me and you; she’s a good girl, damn it.”

“She wants to be really bad,” I supply with a shrug and get back to my feet as Viking gives me some space. He remains a barrier between us but stops touching me.

“It’s not your place to get her to be bad. Leave Jude alone,” Sin warns, spurring me on to reply.

Spitting, blood mixed with my saliva lands next to my feet. I must’ve bitten my cheek when Prez slammed me on the damn hood. “Go to Hell, Sinner.”

“We need to reel it the fuck in, right now, goddamn it,” the Prez orders. “Spider, take that Green-Goblin-looking fucking thing back to Masters. He’s at the fancy hotel down the road. I’ve already spoken to him over the phone, so he won’t put a bullet in ya. Nightmare, follow in Scot’s old truck and y’all get back here, quick.”

Spider’s face lights up, eager, as he rounds the car and hops in. He’s no doubt satisfied that he’s the one being tasked to take the chartreuse whip for a spin. Nightmare agrees and heads for the truck.

Prez’s scrutiny falls back to us. “Now, you two fuckers hash this shit storm out, inside preferably, without knives or guns involved.”

“No need for weapons, I can strangle him with my bare fucking hands,” Sinner mutters with a huff.

His comment makes me hoot with laughter, and in response, he beams a glare full of menace in my direction. He doesn’t realize that look does nothing but turn me on. Maybe we could go and fuck the anger out on Jude together. That is if he isn’t too busy coddling her like a fucking newborn.

We get inside, and I head to the bar, needing something strong to help wash down my frustration. If I can’t fuck or fight, then may as well drown the feelings a bit with some good ol’ fashioned liquor.

“Where is she?” He levels his gaze on me before flicking it around the room. She’s nowhere in sight though, and despite my irritation, it makes me want to laugh in his face again to be a dickhead.

Blaze places a tumbler with some Johnny Walker Black Label on the rocks in front of me and mixes a gin and juice for Sinner. “Spider brought a chick in a few minutes ago,” he comments, taking a drink of his soda that’d been resting on the beer cooler.

“That’s her,” Sin affirms.

“I had her go to the kitchen and make a sandwich.” The brother with tattooed flames up his arms gestures to the other room. “She said she hasn’t eaten today and I didn’t know if she was tweaking or whatever.” He shrugs, his cerulean irises filled with curiosity. “Figured it helps sober her up if anything.”

“She’s not on drugs.” Sinner’s grimace turns to me. “Unless you fucking gave her something? Is that what happened?”

Scoffing, I roll my eyes again. “I didn’t give the bitch shit, besides make her feel good. Something you obviously didn’t offer up.” His glass goes flying toward my head, and I duck. It makes me chuckle again.

“Fuck,” Blaze comments, grabbing a towel and broom. “This is bullshit. You wanna throw shit, don’t use my rocks glasses.” He strides from behind the bar to collect the shattered crystal. He doesn’t usually clean up our messes—we do that ourselves—but he obviously realizes Sinner’s one breath away from throwing blows.

Taking a sip of my liquor, I attempt to reason. “Tell me, Sin, how the fuck does she have you tied up in knots like this? It’s rare that I’m the calm one when shit pops off and you have me actually living up to my name right now.”

He mocks, his voice carrying just an ounce of too much bite. “You’re far from a saint.”

“Exactly. It’s good you fucking remember it too.” I hate fighting with him, but I have a right to be pissed off too. He fucking lied to me. After everything we’ve been through, he lies to me over a woman. I think that’s the part that has me the maddest.

Jude appears in the doorway, and Sinner hops up from his barstool, striding over to her. His hands cover her forearms, and the motion has me swallowing tightly.

Taking a large gulp to ease my thoughts, I stand as well, calling over to her. “Baby girl, tell our boy Sinner here, that I didn’t hurt you.”

Grinning widely, I approach them both wearing the look of innocence. It’s the same smile I offer up to bitches to make them believe I’m their dream man. Then they learn what I am when I fuck them until they scream and beg or offer them up to the gods. I’m not that way with everyone, but Lord knows I’m far from virtuous in any way.

She shakes her head, lips in a perfect pout. “No, Sinner, he didn’t hurt me. I promise.”

That’s it, baby, tell him what he needs to hear. I didn’t hurt her, but that’s not saying I wasn’t thinking about it in the beginning.

He runs a frustrated hand through his midnight locks, blowing out a heavy breath. “Let me take you home, sweetheart.”

Her brow wrinkles. “But I don’t want to go—not yet, anyway.”

Wrapping my arm around her shoulders, I press a bit further. “See daddy, she wants to stay and have some fun.” Smirking, I tug her into my chest and away from him. “Wanna share how you got that pet name?” With an amused chuckle, I plant a chaste kiss on her left temple.

If he pisses me off, I’ll break her fucking neck right here in front of him. If he wants to play nice, then maybe I’ll just fuck her and let him take her home without drawing any blood. The outcome of her fate’s up to him. The best part of all, the brothers here won’t even blink at my decision. In fact, they’ll help me bury the body if needed.