Page 14 of Baby

Nibbling her lobe, I rasp, “I’m your daddy now; huh, baby?” She wants someone to spank her ass rosy and tell her what to do, that’s no problem for me. That’s one thing I’ve always been good at, and Jude’s just my type when it comes to women. She’s hotter than sin—young, dumb, and gullible—my favorite type to play with.

She gasps, and with wide eyes, she watches for Sinner’s reaction. His own gaze shutters as he hits me with an obscure look, “Fine,” he relents. “But if you’re not going home right now, then you’ll sleep in my bed tonight. No arguments, either.”

Her cheeks turn a delightful shade of rouge, giving away her intimate thoughts. She bites down on her plump lip for a moment, thinking it over. It’s no need though; we already know what she wants from the color gracing her flushed skin. “Deal,” she nods, agreeing a little too eagerly.

Yeah, fucking right, I don’t think so.

Sinner’s in my bed on the regular with whomever we choose to join us, together. He’s off his rocker if he thinks this bitch is going to be in his bed without me there to share it. I’m the one who brought her here after all.

We have an unspoken agreement; it’s been there for years. We’re together always. I watch his back, and he’s got mine. Same goes for fuckin’. We do it together, and it’s better that way. That’s one account as to why I was completely caught off guard when I found out he was hiding Jude from me. Of course, it made me instantly interested and a touch covetous.

Who’s this woman he’d lie for? And that he’d visit when he believed no one was paying him attention? Sinner’s mistake was overlooking that I always have him in mind. When I came to terms he wasn’t going to let me in on whatever he was up to, I had to go off and find out for myself. I can’t stand secrets, and this one didn’t bode well with me not knowing what it was.

I’d thought through everything trying to figure it out too. Was he running drugs by himself? Was he two-timing the MC and hitting up another club? Was he on drugs himself? None of it was adding up.

Never once did it remotely cross my mind that he’d be sneaking off for this woman. He doesn’t even like young chicks; his preferences are the older women. So, imagine my surprise when I figured out he wasn’t visiting the lady at the address his bike was parked at. She’s pretty much a ghost, and the only other one living there was a young woman registered in college.

Then when Jude answered the door last night, I was left speechless. Clearly, she’d been asleep. I don’t know how Sinner didn’t hear me, but she did. When she’d told me he’d drank a six-pack and passed out, I knew it was the perfect chance to find out just who the hell she is. For not being my brother’s usual type, she damn sure was right up my alley.

Her sleep tasseled hair and tired smile was a welcome sight to my groin. She greeted me with wide open arms practically. Her mistake. Getting close to her took no time at all. I could’ve snuffed her life out within minutes if I’d truly wished.

Her naiveté was so fucking adorable, and it was a turn on knowing she had two killers in her house, and she was clueless. I couldn’t keep my hands to myself—didn’t want to, and she welcomed me in no time at all. A few hours of innocent questions and flirting and it was like taking candy from a baby. She fell into the palm of my hand so easily it was almost boring—almost. There was still the fact it was all happening while Sinner was in the other room, keeping the bit of deception of my own exciting.

He thinks he can keep her all to himself, but he’s mistaken. She already wants me. I made sure of it. He’ll share, or I’ll kill her, it’s as easy as that. Sinner belongs to me; he always has. What’s his is mine...