Page 15 of Baby

Counting other people’s sins

does not make you a saint.

-Pinterest Meme

He’s had his arms around her all damn day. Laughing and making her giggle while feeding her drinks. I doubt Jude’s ever drank alcohol before now, and she’s well on her way to full-on drunk. He’s doing it on purpose; I’ve seen his game many times over. Hell, most of us have done it at least once in the past.

It’s different this time. I don’t want her broken. And he’ll be the first to do it to her. He’ll get her toasted and then use her up until he’s had his fill. She’ll be left with a shell of herself, wondering how a man could take so much and give nothing in return.

It’s unfair of me to think of him like this; after all, he’s been so good to me personally over time. However, I know him the best, and I’ve seen how he has no regard for a woman beyond scratching an itch. It’s been great while I wanted the same thing, but my feelings are beginning to change. I have Jude to blame for that. All I do is attempt to stay away from her and keep her safe. But clearly, that’s gone to shit with my brother stepping in.

She’s fallen into a twisted web, and I’m the one at fault. I should’ve covered my tracks better. Jesus, I never should’ve stepped into Jude’s life in the first place. If I’d just stayed away, Saint never would’ve gotten wind of her. But I couldn’t force myself to keep away and not make sure she was okay.

And overall, how can I fight for her with a man I love? When it boils down to it, that’s how I feel about him. I assumed with our lifestyle, we’d never have to cross a bridge where a woman would be placed in the middle of it.

I can’t possess Jude like I desire; I know that. However, I don’t want Saint to hurt her, either. If he’s angry enough, he’ll bleed her dry in sacrifice, and a piece of me will hate him for it. I don’t want to despise him in any way; he’s been everything to me since I was a teen.

Slamming my fist on the table, I interrupt their laughing, “She’s had enough.” Standing from my stool, I shuffle the few steps around the table to collect her. I’m done watching him and her like this. I want her in my bed—with me.

Saint grins, not fazed. “We’re having fun, brother.”

“And you’ve had enough entertainment for tonight. She’s drunk and fuck if I want to be holding her to the toilet all night while she pukes her guts out.”

“So, don’t.” He waves me off. “Let’s fuck the alcohol out of her. She’ll sober up.”

Jude giggles, tucking her face into his chest, not realizing what exactly that entails. The action makes me rage inside. I want to yank her away and yell at her that she’s mine, not his. I found her first. He doesn’t get to have her without me; he should know better. I can’t believe I’m even dealing with this right now. I worked so hard not to fucking touch her before.

“No. She’s sleeping it off.”

“Fuck you, Sinner. You don’t make decisions for her. She’s not your bitch; she’s community property right now.”

I want to punch him as the words fall from his lips. Of course, it’s no big deal to him; he hasn’t been around her for the past few months and watched how beautiful she really is. Yes, she’s beyond sexy, but sometime along that line, she became more than just fresh pussy when I look at her.

“The fuck she is.” The argument rumbles my chest with a displeased growl. Tugging her off the seat, she falls easily. Jude’s trashed and immediately seeks out my arms.

“Oh, hi, Sinner!” She giggles.

It’s impossible for me to be annoyed with her when she’s so adorable, even piss-ass drunk. I love hearing her laugh; I just wish it was under different circumstances.

“Come on, Jude. It’s time to go to bed.”

“Finally!” she declares loudly. “I’ve been waiting for you to touch me like Saint did, for forever it seems,” she admits brazenly, compliments of the alcohol stupor overtaking her senses.

My nostrils flare as my glare meets his over the top of her head, my words grinding with their meaning. “No, you’re going to sleep. Saint won’t be touching you.”

Ever, at this rate.

He rolls his eyes. “The hell I won’t. If you don’t satisfy her, I will. I’ll teach her how to beg and suck cock too.”

“Shut up.” My arms scoop her up into a sturdy embrace since she can’t walk for shit at this point and her nose finds my neck, giving me pleasant chills.

“Please take me to bed, Sinner,” she slurs against my throat. “You smell so freaking good.”

The brothers witness the entire thing, amused, but no one utters anything about it. They all know the same thing I do; this is a clusterfuck already, and it’s going be one hell of a long night. Again.

Oh my God, my head hurts so badly. The pounding is unreal. What was in those fruity drinks Saint gave me yesterday? They tasted delicious—like punch and bad decisions. Blaze is definitely talented when it comes to mixing drinks—you don’t know it’s hit you until it’s too late. Thankfully, there are curtains snuffing out the bright Texas sun, or I may not have survived opening my eyes today.

“Mmmm.” Moaning as I turn over, my stomach swims and not in a pleasant way. Stupid juice. Jesus, it’s like a sugar overload mixed with brain freeze or something.