Page 64 of Baby

“Don’t thank me; it was them.” Viking nods to us, and we both shoot her goofy grins, so in love with her and happy that we just made it official in the eyes of the club.

“Can I have a shirt, please?” she eventually mutters, and the brothers chuckle. Her face flames red, but she’s good.

Yanking mine free, I hand it over. “I’m proud of you, sweetheart.”

My compliment has her blushing even fiercer.

“Thank you. I love you, Sin.” She tugs the shirt on, covering what’s ours.

Pressing a kiss to her temple, I draw her to my chest. “I love you.”

Her gaze finds Saint behind me. “I love you, Saint.”

“Love you, baby,” he smirks, popping a kiss on her forehead.

Viking interrupts by slamming the gavel down, making Jude jump and everyone laughs again. “Get the fuck out. Church is over,” he grumbles, and we clear the room.

As we follow Jude over the threshold, she’s met with a wide, knowing smile from Princess. She doesn’t say anything so as not to embarrass my woman, but she does hold her hand out, collecting a high-five from the three of us.

In a flash, Jude’s in the bedroom, yanking on boxers, her others forgotten in the chapel.

Glowing.Is it possible for your skin to actually glow? That’s how I feel at the moment. Surprising since I essentially just had sex in front of a room full of men.

“How you doin’ baby?” Saint checks me over, lightly giving my wrist a squeeze.

“I’m fantastic.”

At my reply, Sinner chuckles. “Yeah? What are you up to now?”

Flashing them both a pleased smile, I pull on a pair of socks next. “You two just made me yours.”

“Yep,” Saint rasps and they both nod.

“I’m freaking celebrating!”

Both of their amused grins warp to full-on smiles.

“All right, sweetheart, but after that, we’re getting your ass some real clothes.”


“Yeah, your ass isn’t ever going back to that shithole trailer. You’re ours to keep.”

Saint fist bumps him. “Hell yeah. Forever, baby. Welcome home.”
