Page 65 of Baby

She’s proof that you can walk through hell

and still be an angel.

-R.H. Sin

Two and a half years later...

“Great Job, sweetheart.”

“So damn proud of you, baby.”

My smile’s so wide, it feels like my face might crack at some point. Both of my ol’ men lean in and kiss opposite temples, their approval making me want to burst inside. I couldn’t have done this without their support.

“You’re officially smarter than all of us and you have the paper to prove it.” Princess winks, beaming a smile.

“Ha! You have a degree, too, the last I checked.” Shaking my head, she’s next to pull me in.

“Yeah, but you just got a college degree in business. That’s the real deal, and we’re all happy for you.”

“Thanks, guys.” My happiness shines, directed at Saint, Sinner, Princess, and Bethany. They all showed up to my graduation, and I was ecstatic to see their faces in the crowd.

“Now if only you’d have gotten a degree at UT rather than in San Marcos...” She trails off, and my eyes roll.

“Oh, whatever! I did it, so you owe me a pitcher of your famous margaritas.”

Saint smirks. “You promised, P. My baby gets her favorite drink, which means you’re stuck bartending all night.”

“Ugh. Blaze is going to be thrilled having me take over his space,” she mutters as we follow her out of the auditorium where we’ve just received our diplomas. “We’ll see you guys at home.” She and B wave as they head for Bethany’s car.

“Okay, see you!” I blow a kiss in their direction, and the guys nod.

“How am I supposed to ride like this?” I ask, turning to find Sinner’s gaze.

He’s clearly amused as his eyes skirt over me from top to bottom. “I remember a time when you didn’t have enough clothes to ride,” he chuckles. “Now you have that moo-moo cape looking thing on, and it’s so fluffy you may get blown away.”

Saint laughs alongside him. The two think they’re so hilarious, teasing me nonstop over this gown. They may hoot and holler, but when I wear it later with nothing on underneath, they’ll be rethinking their comments. There’s no doubt in my mind.

Sinner grabs my hand and presses a quick peck on the top. “You got a dress on under that, right?”

I nod.

“Then hike that skirt up and scoot in tight.” He pulls me to a stop next to his motorcycle.

“What are you...” I trail off as he bends over and scoops the gown over me without hesitating long enough to make sure my other dress doesn’t get stuck along the way. “Shit, you have to warn me,” I call, with a laugh.

He hums, taking in my fitted graphite colored dress. Saint lets loose a loud, appreciative whistle, and his hands are on my back in no time, his lips on my neck. “Fucking gorgeous,” he rasps.

“Thank you.” I pull them both to me, a hand hooking around each of their hips. “I picked this color specifically for you guys,” I admit, gazing at them both

Sinner’s inky brow jumps, intrigued, and Saint smirks. “Oh yeah?”

“Yep, you know why?”

They shake their heads, peering at me like anything I may say is made of gold.

“Because it’s the only color that I’ve found that at some point in time, matches both of your eyes. Never at the same time but it was the closest I could find that was the same as you both.”

“Baby,” Saint mumbles and kisses me softly.