him. He can’t help it. He’s a vampire.” He leaned over and kissed her

soundly. “I know you’re scared, but remember my promise. We’re in

this together now. I won’t let you down. And, love, please remember

anything I do, I do to protect you.”

With those mysterious words, he turned. As he walked toward the

gates of the arena, he shouted back to Rhys. “What did he promise

you to try to get you to put off the tournament?”

“Half a million in gold, Your Highness.”

Beck stopped in his tracks and turned to look at his cousin. He had

a look of impressed awe on his face. “You broke bastard. You didn’t

have half a million before your sister cut you off.”

Dante Dellacourt shrugged elegantly. “If I’m going to lie, I’m

going big. There is no use in doing something halfway.”

Beck shook his head and turned back. “Take care of her, cos.”

The vampire smiled down at her and gallantly offered his arm.

“Well, we have our orders, my lady. Come along. Let’s find a good

seat and pray Beck doesn’t get himself killed.”

Meg let the vampire—the flipping, freaking vampire—escort her

into the arena. Her heart was pounding, but she put one foot in front



of the other. She knew that whatever happened in here would change

her life forever.


Sophie Oak

Chapter Three

Meg found herself watched by every eye in the arena. Only Fae

like Beck and vampires like Dante had come to view her in the tent,

but now all manner of creatures stared at her as she forced herself to

climb the stone steps to the chaise Rhys and Cara had motioned her