toward. She found herself staring openly at what had to be an

enormous troll. It was six feet tall, and it was sitting. She couldn’t

imagine what it would be like standing up. It was also extremely

hairy. Behind him looked to be a group of what she could only term

goblins. They were small and muscular with leat

hery skin and wild

tufts of hair in odd places. Somewhere in the back of her head, she

could hear the cantina music from Star Wars playing.

“Never been off the Earth plane, huh?” Dante had a dumbass

smile on his face.

“Do those fangs ever go away?” Meg heard herself ask irritably.

The vampire seemed to take it all in stride. “Certainly not when I

am in the company of a half-naked female with a heart-shaped ass.

Sorry, they pop out when I’m hungry or horny. Can’t help it. And as I

recently dined on a first-grade meal pill, courtesy of Dellacorp, I think

we have to assume it’s your fault. What do you say we ditch His

Highness, go somewhere private, and make some baby fangs?”

“Pay him no heed, miss.” Cara looked at the vampire, shaking her

head. The chaise was plush and covered with tent of ornate fabric that

kept the fierce late-afternoon sun off her skin. “Vampires are not

known for their manners.”



“Is that blood?” Meg looked at the pockets of red that dotted the

sand of the arena floor. Groups of gnomes were hurriedly shoveling

out the offending sand.

“Damn.” Dante sank down beside her. “They already got rid of

the chopped-off limbs. That’s my favorite part.”

“They’re really going to fight?” Meg was suddenly horrified at the

thought of Beck being out there. It was ridiculous, but she felt such a