you with cold iron, you asshole. Get over it. If you want to commit

suicide, I’ll give you the needle, but I won’t push the plunger. I

wouldn’t just be killing you. I would be killing Cian, too, and I

happen to like him. I like him a hell of a lot more than I like you right

now. You had no right to treat her like that.”

“I know.” Beck didn’t even try to keep the guilt out of his voice.

“She gave you everything she had, and you tell her to cover up,”

Dante complained. “No, ‘wow, baby, that was one hell of a blow job.

You’ve got the sweetest mouth known to man.’ Just ‘cover up so no

one sees my bitch.’”

Beck’s anger was on the rise once more. “Hey, don’t you talk

about her like that. She’s my wife.”

“Then why is she crying alone? I checked in on her, and she was


Beck felt his stomach clench. She was crying, and he was the

bastard who had caused it. “I won’t ever take her like that again. I

can’t take it back. I can only promise to treat her with respect from

this point on.”

Dante rolled his eyes. “You are such an idiot. You honestly think

that she’s upset because you fucked her? She is heartbroken because

you fucked her, bonded with her, and then dumped her ass. Seriously,

you need to take lessons in how to woo a woman because they don’t

like it when you use them and walk away. Even I know that.”

Beck marched out of the river, shaking the water off his skin.

Dante had brought along a towel, and he tossed it toward Beck. Beck



did not thank him. “I didn’t dump her. I lost my fucking head. I

treated her like a piece of meat. Can you blame her for not wanting to

be near me?”