“Oh, cos, that wasn’t the problem,” the vampire said, bringing the

attitude down a notch. “I was watching. Hell, I couldn’t take my eyes

off it.” Dante left that line of thought at Beck’s low growl. “I think

she’s more perfect for you than you could have hoped. She enjoyed


Beck twisted his long, dark hair. It would be a bitch to comb out.

“That was the bond. I flooded her with it. I pushed myself at her.”

“That is your nature,” Dante said quietly. “But I think you are

underestimating her nature. She was happy afterward. She wasn’t

ashamed. You made her feel that.”

Beck pointed an accusatory finger at his cousin. “You don’t

understand. Maybe you vampires treat consorts with such blatant

disrespect, but we do not dishonor our bondmates in such a fashion.”

When Dante spoke next, he had to talk around his fangs. It let

Beck know just how irritated his cousin was. “We vampires make

damn sure that our lovers are satisfied, and after they’re satisfied, we

thank them and cuddle them. We find out what they need and give it

to them. If what my lover needs runs counter to what society or my

father taught me was acceptable, then fuck society.”

“Don’t you talk about my father,” Beck warned.

“Of course, it all comes back to your father. He was a good man,

Beckett, but he wasn’t perfect. He wasn’t a perfect king, and he damn

sure wasn’t a perfect father. He pushed you too hard, and he

completely ignored Cian. Cian was supposed to be king, too. He

didn’t value Cian’s input, so he focused all his time on you. No one

could live up to his standards. Gods, Beck, when are you going to be

who you are and not who he thought you should be?”

“Get out.” Beck would not listen to anyone talk about his father

that way. He hadn’t been able to save his father, but he could damn

sure preserve his memory. “Get the fuck out of here. Go back to your