The truth was she was tired of being pissed off about the divorce.

Somehow the events of the last twenty-four hours made her rage at a

marriage gone bad seem a small thing. Beck’s whole life had been

destroyed. At least Michael had the good sense to divorce her before

they had kids. It had been a mistake, and it was past time to move on.

“He was a young man. We were really young when we got married. I

was only twenty-two. I was twenty-five when we divorced two years

ago. We were just stupid kids trying to be grownups. I wanted a

family. He wanted to play Xbox and drink beer. It’s a typical

American story.”

Beck’s hair was long and flowed around his shoulders and down

his back. He’d taken it down after he’d gotten the fire going. It had

been an oddly erotic moment. His eyes had been on her, and she’d

watched as he brushed it out. Now, it was a silken blanket around his


It was also a fire hazard. Meg held out her hand. “It was a long

time ago, Beck, and in a galaxy far, far away. Please come back over

here. I don’t want to have to put out your hair when it catches on




He looked back and seemed surprised that he hadn’t caught that

himself. He sat back down. When she held open the blanket for him,

he moved close and wrapped it around the both of them.

“Sorry, love,” he whispered. “I just can’t imagine anyone letting

you get away.”

“You must have a very small imagination,” she said solemnly.

“I am not known for my creativity.” Beck frowned and stared at

the fire.

Meg laughed. “I was teasing you. You take things too literally.