Don’t give my ex another thought. I don’t intend to. He was an


Dark eyebrows drew together. “You sound so much like Dante.

Are you sure you’re not from the Vampire plane? They are entirely

obsessed with anuses, too. I don’t get it.”

Meg giggled and let her head drop to his shoulder. She would

have immediately brought it back up, but his hand was there,

smoothing her hair back, holding her close. His arms went around her.

He was so warm. She gave in and snuggled closer. He was a furnace.

“I would like very much to make love to you, Meggie,” Beck said,

his voice low and painstakingly gentle. The hand in her hair was

gentle, too, unlike the way he’d fisted her hair in the arena. He

touched her like she was made of glass.

“How very polite.” Meg thought about what Dante had said. She

didn’t want a polite bargain. She wanted his passion.

It didn’t matter. She would be gone in a day or two. She hadn’t

changed her mind about that. Even though he promised not to treat

her the way he had before, she knew it was inevitable that he would.

Before all of this happened, Meg had been giving an enormous

amount of thought to her sex life. It had been pointless and futile up

until now. The two men she had gone to bed with before marrying

Michael had been utterly boring, and she’d just wanted to get it over

with. Michael had been the same way. It was why she’d started


Sophie Oak

exploring Dominance and submission in the first place. She hadn’t

gotten past the internet, but she’d ordered some books on the subject.

Being out in the arena with Beck had been a revelation. It was the

single most erotic experience of her life, and he rejected her

afterward. He thought she was just as much a pervert as Michael did,