and she refused to be trapped in another marriage where her husband

didn’t really want her. But she was stuck for now. Why not enjoy

what he could give her? She had just taken her birth control shot

before she’d gotten kidnapped. Why not enjoy a little sex? Even if it

wasn’t as mind-blowing as before, it would be better than anything

she’d had on the Earth plane. She would just have to make sure she

came off as vanilla as possible so he didn’t get angry with her again.

She let her hand find his sculpted chest. “All right.”

He sighed, and she felt that strange connection between them open

slightly. It tingled there on the edges of her consciousness, and she

opened eagerly to it. She could feel his arousal. She could feel how

much he wanted her. It made her feel special and desirable. He closed

it down immediately. Meg was alone again.

“Sorry.” He eased her onto her back. “I have to get used to the

bond. It’s particularly strong when we make love. I promise I won’t

flood you with it again.”

“I didn’t mind,” she said as he touched her lips with his. It was a

gentle touch, a light melding of lips. She found it slightly frustrating.

“Of course you did,” he murmured as he kissed her, a little harder

this time.

He pressed his mouth over hers. His tongue requested access. Meg

allowed herself to soften beneath him, and his tongue lazily plunged

in. He explored her mouth, mating his tongue to hers, devouring her

softly. His hands gently framed her face as he stroked her hair.

Meg shuddered as he moved from her mouth to her neck. He was

so big against her. He tried to keep his weight off her, but she wanted

to be crushed under it. She wanted him to hold her down or tie her up.

She couldn’t ask him to do that. He would probably turn away from in
