Page 16 of Naughty

“What if they do?”

“Do you really think I’d let that happen?” he asked. “When you’re with me, you’re safe. Never forget that. I wouldn’t let anything happen to you.”

She trusted him. Staring into his eyes, she couldn’t look away as he started to play with her body. He thrust his fingers inside her, getting them wet before stroking her clit.

“You don’t need to do this,” she said.

“With how tense you’re looking, I think this is something you need, baby. Let me take care of you.”

Why are you fighting?

She didn’t know why, only that she felt like she had to fight what was happening. What was wrong with letting another person take care of her?

Opening her legs, she took his lips, and Carter brought her to orgasm, there, in the back of the bakery, where she hoped no one would hear her cries of release.


“That was a long lunch break, my friend,” Denny said.

Carter chuckled, entering his office. “It was a good lunch break.” He sat down in his chair, thinking about the sweet sounds of Autumn’s release as she came on his fingers. Leaving the bakery, he hadn’t intended to go back, but he’d not left how he wanted to. When Hilary gave him the not so subtle warning about hurting Autumn at risk to his special male parts, he’d believed her. None of his intentions meant hurting Autumn. He wanted to protect her and give her everything she missed out on.

Denny walked into the office, smirking. “I know that face. That face is the kind that happens when a man gets laid.”

“I didn’t get laid.”

“Something happened.”

He wasn’t about to tell Denny, and told him as such.

“You’ve been in a weird mood for a guy who hasn’t gotten laid in a couple of months.”

“I’ve gotten laid.”

“Anyone I know?”


Denny had been around Summer, but his friend hadn’t ever seen Autumn.

Denny took a seat. “I’m worried now.”

“Why would you be worried?”

“You’re acting strangely, and I saw the pair of women’s panties locked inside your drawer when you were gone. This whole thing stinks, and I want to know what gives.”

“Nothing gives. I’ve met someone, and I’m having a little fun.”

Denny sat back, staring at him.

It was like being a caged animal at a zoo. “What? What is it?”

“I’ve known you all of your life. I know what you’re thinking and feeling. You’ve never been one to be secretive about who you’re screwing. You tend to give me a warning to back off potential women you’re after, so now I’m intrigued.”

“You think staring at me will give you the answer.”

“Over the years I’ve watched you with different women, seeing how you respond to them. In all of that time there has only been one woman you’ve defended. I remember it well because it caused you and said sister to have a huge fight. I remember it so well because I called it Summer-Gate.”

He wasn’t interested in playing anymore. “How is Mrs. Randall’s car?”