Page 17 of Naughty

“I got it right, didn’t I? Summer’s sister. I can never remember her name. The one that struggles to read and write.”

Carter slammed his hand on the desk. “She doesn’t struggle at all. It’s called dyslexia, and if people found the damn time to care, it wouldn’t be so hard for people to understand.”

“I didn’t say anything, Carter.”

“Yeah, well, Summer did.”

“She’s a season, right? The sister. I always remember them because of their names, and because Summer was an uptight bitch hanging out with the rough guys. The boys from the wrong side of the tracks.”

It had been a fun couple of months as far as Carter was concerned. In total he’d been with Summer a year and a half, and those fun couple of months had turned into a nightmare. He’d been young, foolish, and Summer had been a woman who wanted to experience it all. They had seemed like the obvious couple. Yet, to him, they had not been well suited at all. Both of them had wanted different things. Also, Summer hadn’t been as loyal as he was.

“Autumn, that’s her name, and that is the car you’re working on.”

Carter ran a hand down his face, wondering where all of this was going. “You got a point to all of this?”

“No, I don’t. I’m just curious what the hell you’re thinking?” he asked.

“I don’t see what the problem is.”

“You really don’t?” Denny asked, looking somewhat shocked.

“I’m seeing Autumn. I used to date her sister, but now I don’t. What’s the problem?”

“They’re sisters, and you wanted a bit of the nice life, so you dated Summer. Now you’re sniffing around the younger sister. You’re not just sniffing around either. You’re screwing each other.”

Running fingers through his hair, Carter stared around the office, really not sure what to say. “Autumn is different. She always has been.” He couldn’t begin to describe it, not with Denny, not with anyone. From the moment he saw Autumn, he’d been completely struck by her. She was the kind of woman that didn’t disappear. Not to him.

“I hope you know what you’re doing.” Denny stood up, and made his way out of the office. The truth was, Carter didn’t have a single clue what he was doing. When it came to Autumn, he couldn’t think straight, if at all.

“I’m not going to do anything stupid,” he said, calling to his friend.

Denny paused at the door and turned back to look at him.

“It’s none of my business what you do, and I apologize for that. I’m here if you ever need to talk.”

Sitting back in his chair, Carter opened up the drawer that contained the panties from his time with Autumn. He shouldn’t have kept them, but there was no way he was giving them back.

The rest of the day went by without much event. Denny worked on cars as did Carter. Neither of them brought up Autumn or Summer again. Denny hadn’t been a big fan of Summer, but his friend also didn’t like to be used either.

Autumn pulled up in a taxi at a little after five. Her cheeks were a little flushed, and as he watched her, he saw the sparkle in her eyes.

“This her?” Denny asked.

“The one and only.”

She walked up toward him. “Hey,” she said.

“Hey, Autumn, this is my friend, Denny. Denny, this is Autumn.”

“Nice to meet you, Autumn.” Denny held out his hand, and then went to pull it back, but Autumn shook his hand before he could do that.

“Same to you.”

Denny stared at their hands and nodded.

“My car.”

“I’m going to head out,” Denny said.