Page 55 of Naughty

He’d given her a family, love, passion, everything.

Carter pulled out a locket from his pocket, and she knew it belonged to his mother. “I want you to have this.”

“Carter, no.”

“I want you to have this.” He flicked open the catch, revealing a picture of his parents on one side, and then on the other, a picture of the three of them. “Our family. This means everything to me. I tried to get another made, but I could never find the right one.”

“I can’t take that.”

“You’re my wife, Autumn, you can take it. I want you to have it.”

He gave her those big eyes that she found impossible to turn down. Leaning forward, she lifted her hair up, exposing her neck. Carter secured the clasp, and placed the locket back around her neck.


Resting her head on his shoulder, she closed her eyes, basking in the joy of being in his arms.

The drive went by so fast, almost too fast for Autumn. The moment they entered the reception they were surrounded by people, talking to them. Carter didn’t release her, and she was thankful for that. The night went back in a fuzzy haze. She was so happy, and so in love that she couldn’t stop smiling.


Mary and Bill took care of Sean while he took Autumn to a hotel for the night. They were going to have a night together, and then for their honeymoon they were taking their son with them. Her parents and even Summer and David had offered to take Sean so they could have some time together.

Carter couldn’t do it. He couldn’t leave his son behind, no matter how much he wanted Autumn to himself.

“May I have this dance?” he asked, offering his hand.

She placed her palm in his, and he walked her out onto the dancefloor.

Autumn wrapped her arms around his neck, and smiled up at him. “I never thought we’d get here.”

“You didn’t think we’d make it a couple of months, let alone a year and a half.”

“How long do you think we’ll make?”

“Years, baby. Do you think you’re ever going to get bored of this? Of me?”

“When you put it like that, no.” She chuckled.

“The vows I made today, I meant every single word. I’m going to love you every single day for the rest of my life. I’m going to honor you, and I’m going to cherish you.”

“You’re losing your bad boy image right now.”

“I believe I lost that image months ago. I can be naughty and dirty, but when it comes to you, I can never be bad.”

Her gaze moved to his lips. “Kiss me, Carter.”

“My pleasure.”

Pressing his lips against hers, he released a little moan, loving the feel of her. Tonight he was going to have him beneath her where he was determined to make love to her well into the night.

Later that night as he was helping Autumn into the car, he shook several hands, including that of his father-in-law.

Before he rounded the car to climb behind the wheel, Bill Fowler pulled him in close. “Take care of Autumn for us. Cherish her the way we do.”

“I will, sir.”

Climbing behind the wheel, he leaned over, and pulled her in for a kiss, before heading toward their hotel.