Page 56 of Naughty

“What did my dad want?”

“He was being a father, Autumn. Telling me in no uncertain terms to take care of you.” Carter had been given a couple of warnings from Bill. He accepted them. The man was only looking out for his daughter, and he was a guy. “If he didn’t give me hell, I wouldn’t think he was a very good father.”

She chuckled.

Holding her hand, Carter traveled toward the hotel, knowing in his heart that his future was with his wife, the love of his life, and there would never be another like her.


Ten years later

“Dad, please stop singing, you sound crazy,” Sean said.

Carter didn’t stop singing to the Halloween song. He got louder and shook his hips as he wriggled around the back yard. Several of his son’s friends were laughing, and he just knew that Sean was going to want to kick his ass. His little girl Bethany was giggling and dancing with him, shaking her little princess butt with him. Through the crowd he saw his wife, the woman who owned his heart, even after ten years.

He loved her more now than ever before. Her stomach was still slightly rounded, and he loved her curves. She’d given him three children, and ten years worth of memories.

Beside her was a heavily pregnant Summer, who was on her fifth child with David.

“Come on, Sean, boogie with me.” He held his hands up in the air, shaking his ass and hands.

Sean dropped his head into his hands. “Mom!”

Autumn, his sexy little witch, walked toward him. He was dressed as a zombie, and he stayed still, watching the swing of her hips. She came toward Sean, grabbed his face, and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “What’s the matter, sweetie pie?”

“Mom! You’re embarrassing me.”

What Sean didn’t see was that all of his friends were copying the same dance. Taking his son’s hand, Carter watched as Bethany, Ryan, and Autumn joined hands, and they all started dancing in a circle.

“Own it, Sean.”

At ten years old, his son was struggling with his identity, but Carter was determined to help him. After all, this was his family, and like he’d told Billy, he would take care of it.

After a few seconds, Sean finally caved and did the dance along with them, swinging his arms, and finally letting loose.

For several minutes, they all just danced along to the music, and when the song came to an end, everyone laughed, clapping. Sean hugged him. “I’m sorry.”

“Never forget who you are, son. No matter how much it scares you.”

Sean nodded, and left to go and find some of his friends.

Autumn moved up to him, taking hold of his hands, and dancing. “That was nice,” she said.

Their son had been having a few troubles with his anger. It was strange, watching his son go through something similar to what he did growing up.

“I think we got through to him.”

“He’s lucky to have you as a father. You understand him.”

Locking their hands together, he spun her around, and tugged her close so that his cock nestled against his ass. “I’m the lucky one having a woman who has given me three precious gifts.”

“It’ll be four.”

He froze. His cock thickened as he ran his lips across her ear.

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me. I’m about to give you another precious gift.” She kissed his cheek. “Do you think you can handle another?”