Page 100 of Followed By the Dark

I wave her off. "I know what you mean." I stretch my hand across the table, and she takes it.

With my fingers interlaced with King's, I start my confession with the secret I hid from my friends for over a decade. To say Wes and King are shocked is an understatement, but the disappointment reflected in Wes's eyes is the worst. My heart shrivels, and I word vomit the rest.

We sit in silence when Marcus and Rhys appear with the kids and announce that it's time for dinner. I'm grateful for the distraction but am fully aware that this is not the end of the conversation.

Unfortunately (or fortunately for me), Wes and King are busy with Haddie after we clean up the kitchen, and I take the cowardly way out, sneaking off to the guesthouse. I need a break from the topic.

My birthday startswith waking up to Marcus nestled against my back. His hands slide into my sleep shorts, applying the slightest pressure to my clit. He is insatiable. But so am I.

"Good morning to you, too," I breathe, suppressing the moan that wants to break free.

"Happy birthday,Keller." He bites down on the skin under my ear. Not nipping, he sinks his teeth in, then soothes the pain with his tongue.

Waves of pleasure travel down my back, and I press my ass against his hard cock. "Is this my birthday present?" I turn my head to see his face.

His nose trails along my cheek. "One of them."

"One?" I laugh, raising my brows. "Are they all orgasms?"

His lips find mine. "Who says I'll let you come?"

I turn in his embrace, forcing him to adjust his hold. My fingers slip under the waistband of his briefs, curling them into his butt, and reciprocate his teeth with my nails. "I do."

And I do get my first present, straddling Marcus's hips, not soon after.

Lilly and Kinghave prepared a feast for breakfast. When Marcus and I enter the kitchen, his arm around my shoulders, both exchange looks.

"What?" I stop short, forcing Marcus to halt half behind me.

"Nothing." Both quip in unison, and I narrow my eyes at my best friend and my other best friend's wife.

"Stop scowling, or you'll need Botox before you're thirty," Lilly retorts, and I stick my tongue out at her. Carrying over a plateful of pancakes, she says, "You look happy. That's all."

Warmth spreads through me, and I lean into Marcus. "I am." I tilt my head to meet his eyes. He bends down, placing a kiss on my lips.

"Can I have my birthday hug now, or do I have to give Marcus an extra assignment for him to let go of you?" Lilly mock pouts.

I step away from Marcus and walk into my friend's arms.

"Happy birthday, D." She places a kiss on my cheek.

"Thanks, babe."

"My turn." King hip checks Lilly out of the way and places a kiss on my other cheek. "Happy birthday." Leaning in, she whispers, "And thank you for making Bax happy." A little louder, she adds, "He hasn't scowled once since I've been here," and winks over my shoulder.

During breakfast, Lilly reveals the plan for today. She went all out.

"We have a girls' night at The Club. I'm picking Elle and Hazel up after dinner, and we'll meet you and King in the usual lounge."

I glance over to Rhys and Wes. King wraps her arm around her husband. "The guys are on babysitting duty tonight."

"Not all of us," Rhys grumbles, side-eyeing Marcus.

"Marcus is working. Stop pouting," Lilly chastises. "Plus, Marcus will be outside of the suite. No men allowed."

Marcus's head whips up, ready to protest.

"Jenn will be with us. You and Ethan will be outside the door. Nothing will happen." Her smug expression falters when Marcus glowers at her.