
"Fuck!" Wes whisper-shouts to himself. "If she takes a time-out, that means it's bad, and she separates herself from the situation."

I curl my lips under, rubbing Wes between the shoulder blades.

We make our way into the kitchen, where Marcus stands with Haddie sitting on the counter. "Nugget, that was uncalled for." His head turns toward us, and his stern expression changes. "Hey, baby. How was work?"

Wes goes rigid beside me, his gaze slowly swiveling from Marcus and his daughter to me. His stare bores into me, and I fight the urge to cringe.

"Baby?" His jaw works back and forth, and I swear I hear his teeth grinding.

I peer over at Marcus, whose amused expression does nothing to help the situation. "I told you a lot has changed," I murmur, staring at my Louboutins.

Ignoring me, he turns toward Haddie. "What happened?"

The little girl crosses her arms over her chest. "Mommy was mean." The serious expression on her face makes it hard not to laugh.

The two men also seem to struggle, because it takes a moment before Wes asks his daughter, "And why is that?" He walks over, picking her up.

"She said I can't have a granola bar." The pout on her lips is Oscar-worthy.

"Well, did she say why?"

I'm truly impressed with how my friend handles the situation.

"I already had two." Her meek admission is too much, and I cover my mouth with my palm, meeting Marcus's eyes over Wes's head.

"I'd say that's a good reason. It's almost dinnertime, remem—"

"NO!" Haddie narrows her eyes.

"Ooookay, Nugget. Why don't you and I look for Ethan? I'm sure he is here somewhere. You haven't met his friend who's staying with us yet." Marcus takes Haddie from Wes.

"Marcus," I hiss, widening my eyes at him. Taking a four-year-old to meet a cleaner as a distraction? Really?

"She'll be fine. You know she loves Ethan."

"Jenn?" I clarify with brows arched.

Her voice interrupts any further objection to his plan. "Someone call my name? Sorry, I was on the phone with— Oh, we have another guest. And who are you?" She beams at Haddie.

Haddie cocks her head at the newcomer. "Nugget, this is Ethan's friend, Jenn. Let's have her help us find Ethan. Your dad and Denielle have a few things to discuss." He throws me a glance over his shoulder, and I want to punch him.

The three disappear from the room, and Wes slowly swivels toward me. His face is expressionless, and I inhale until my lungs are filled to max capacity. Letting the air out, I point toward the breakfast nook we've had so many serious conversations in over the years. "Talk?"

Wes jerks his chin up and down, walks over, and drops into the seat.

Before I can startmy confession, King reappears and slides in next to Wes. Once he explains where their offspring is, she leans into him. "She is pushing my buttons today."

He places a kiss on her temple. "Let Uncle Bax handle it for a while. It seems there is a lot we've missed since leaving California."

The strain in my chest intensifies. His snide tone is not lost on me, and as much as I want to flip him off, I deserve the attitude.

I open my mouth, but King interrupts, "Marcus filled me in on a few…things earlier this week." When she sees my bulging eyes, she amends quickly, "Not everything. And only because I threatened him to withhold Haddie."

Wes peers down at his wife. "And you didn't think to give me a heads-up why?"

"The same reason Marcus didn't elaborate on anything concerning Denielle. It wasn't my place. Den is your best friend. Marcus is mine." She looks back at me. "Not that you're not my friend—"