Finally regaining control, I pull back, holding on to his arms. "What are you doing here?" A tear escapes my eye.

My best friend pulls his mouth into his usual crooked grin. "What kind of best friend would I be if I missed your birthday?"

I press my lips together, but it's of no use. A sob bubbles up, turning into a half laugh, half cry.

"Hey." Wes wraps his arms back around me. "Why are you crying?"

"Who are you, and why is Denielle in tears?" a stern voice comes from behind, and I glance around Wes at Jenn. She doesn't have a weapon on him, probably assuming that he is safe due to the hugging, but she has become oddly attuned with my emotional state and knows when I so much as hiccup.

Wes steps to my side and slants his head. "The question is, who are you?"

Jenn's eyes narrow, and I insert myself into the standoff. "Jenn, this is Wes, my best friend. He lives in Montana with his wife and daughter. Wes, this is Jenn. She's, uh…my babysitter."

Jenn snorts at her job description. "The infamous Weston Sheats." She appreciatively scans him up and down, and I narrow my eyes. Noticing my territorial behavior, Jenn shakes her head. "Are you ready to head out soon?"

"Yes, would you mind if I drove with Wes?" I turn to him. "If you have a car here?"

His features take on boyish excitement. "I borrowed the R8."

"Oh jeez." Noticing Jenn already rubbing her palms together, I point a finger at her. "Not happening. Forget it."

She purses her lips in a pout. "You're no fun, Keller."

"You will not race back to the house."

"Huh?" Wes glances between both of us, and I pat his forearm.

"You'll see."

Not truly satisfied, Wes nods and waits for me to finish packing up.

Closing my laptop, I notice him typing on his phone. "Is King here, too?"

"Yes, she's at the house with Haddie. She wanted to come, but Haddie has been…challenging lately. She wasn't having it."

"Fuck-you fours?" I repeat the phrase King had used at one point, and Wes huffs.

"Understatement, D. If this is a preview of her teenage years, I'm moving in with Kiwi and Zeke. Maybe Marcus can take over some parental duties, being the godfather and all." He strokes his chin, and a pang hits my chest. I've never considered Marcus as a father, but I've seen him with Haddie. He adores the little girl.

"What's with the face?" Wes's question snaps me out of it.

A blush stains my cheeks. "Nothing," I answer too fast, and Wes's brows shoot up. "A lot has changed in the past few weeks," I explain pathetically.

"Definea lot?" He leans against the wall next to the door, hands in his front pockets and feet crossed at the ankles.

"I'll tell you when we're back at the house."

And I figure out where to start.

Thankfully,Wes was too preoccupied with driving Rhys's little toy to continue the interrogation.

Jenn pulls up in front while Wes heads straight to the garage. I laugh as we enter the house. He didn't want to exit the car and kept stroking the steering wheel.

"Why don't you get one? You can afford it."

"Because it's completely impractical for where we—"

"HADDIE MONROE SHEATS, I SWEAR TO— Bax, please take your goddaughter while Mommy takes a time-out," King's raised voice interrupts Wes, and we both stop in our tracks.