Page 103 of Followed By the Dark

Subconsciously, I wonder if he should be telling us this.

Who cares? The more we know, the faster we get them back.

Lilly's nails dig into my skin, yet, scanning her features, she appears unaffected and composed. She nods. "I will have the car towed to our garage."

"Ma'am. You cannot—"

"She holds up a finger. My attorney will be in touch to file whatever is necessary for us to take my husband's car." She turns to me. "May I use your phone to call Jax?"

My actions are on autopilot. Reaching into my back pocket, I surrender not just my phone to my employer but also myself.

She starts delegating like the leader she has become over the last few years.

Standing next to her, I follow everyone's moves like a movie. My thumping pulse drowns out my surroundings, and I struggle to focus on what's in front of me. Peering toward the curb, Ken materializes, lying in a pool of blood. I watch myself kneeling beside her, unable to touch my little sister's contorted form. Cold sweat breaks out over my forehead, and I swallow over the needles in my throat. Static in my ears accompanies the simmering bile.

Just when I'm about to bend at the waist to vomit all over the accident scene, Ethan joins us. "Rhys and Wes want an update. I kept it as vague as possible, but Wes is a mess."

The thundering in my ears quiets, allowing me to make out their exchange.

For the first time, emotion flitters across Lilly's face. "They cannot come here. Whatever you say, do not let them leave the property. They can't see the scene."

Ethan cocks his head, and Lilly explains, "This is almost identical to when Ileft."

She never uses the wordkidnapped.

Ethan nods. "Do you want me to take Elle and Hazel back to the house?"

I throw a glance over my shoulder. The two girls are watching from a distance.

"We're leaving as soon as Jax arrives. He can handle the rest and ensure the BMW gets delivered to the garage," Lilly declares. "There is nothing we can do here."

As soon asJax takes over, Ethan steers me to the Escalade. If I’d had to stare at the totaled car much longer, I would've lost it.

Lilly pulls me into the back seat beside her, never letting go of our interlaced hands.

She strokes her thumb back and forth, quieting the voice in my head that accuses me of being at fault for this. Logically, I know that my absence didn't cause the accident. It would've happened no matter what. Whoever is after Denielle has made their move. Not being in the BMW enables me to hunt them down and kill them one by one.

Rhys and Wes wait for us in the garage. Wes has his arms wrapped around his midsection, not looking away from the floor. He only untangles himself to catch Lilly, who races straight into his embrace. Rhys clamps his hand on his friend's shoulder, looking at me with hollowed cheeks.

"We'll get her back," she reassures her friend, then turns to me. "All of them."

I dip my chin, unable to speak. Meeting Wes's eyes, I see my anguish reflected in his.

"What am I going to tell Hadd—?" his tone cracks.

"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it." Elle walks up to them and takes Wes's hand. She leads the way into the house. Lilly remains in the garage, addressing her husband. "I need to call Nate."

"I already tried. He's not answering. Neither is G," Rhys whispers.

Lilly slants her lips. "Okay. That's fine. It's fine. We don't need them. It would've been easier, but…we can manage without him." Lilly rubs her temples. "I'll be upstairs." She walks past Rhys into the house.

Rhys holds my gaze for a moment longer. "You go with her. I'll stay with Wes."

Lilly sits behind her desk,two keyboards in front of her, and every monitor is lit up. At that moment, she resembles her brother to a T.

I mutely position myself against the wall behind her. The adrenaline rush has left me drained, making the thumping beat of my heart feel like a strenuous exercise. I refuse to let myself rest. I may not be able to do much until we have a location and bodies to eliminate, but until that happens, I will be in this room.

The continuous rhythm of slow inhales and exhales is the only calm I allow my body to have. Watching her type gives me a sense of peace—the knowledge that she's looking for Denielle, King, and Jenn. Occasional curses are followed by more typing.