Page 104 of Followed By the Dark

Sheaccessesthe CCTV feed in the area, but that particular intersection is not monitored. The ambush was not far fromThe Club.Everything points toward it being meticulously planned. The surrounding area contains a lot of converted warehouses and not many residential properties. It's pretty much dead at night. It was a miracle that someone had seen the accident at all. Searching through the screens is like digging for a needle in a haystack.

A few hours in, Rhys shows up with a cup of Earl Grey. Lilly receives it gratefully. She's been yawning nonstop for the past thirty minutes.

"How is Wes?" My voice is hoarse despite not having used it.

Rhys leans against the desk next to his wife and folds his arms. "He's with Haddie. He said to call him when we find anything."

When. Not if.

It makes sense that he would try to find comfort or distraction with his daughter. My breath comes in coarse spurts. I would do the same if I could. But I don't have anyone to lean on. The only person I'd want with me is the one that was taken. I swallow rapidly as I return to my original position. Rhys pulls up a chair and joins Lilly while I peer over their shoulders.

We've been scanningtraffic cameras for six hours when Wes bursts into the room. His face is flushed yet pale. His forehead glistens with a sheen of sweat. "It's King." He's extending a shaking hand, and my eyes drop to the rectangular object.

I push away from the wall, but Lilly snatches the phone before I can rip it out of his hand.

"Are you okay?" the question explodes out of her mouth. She stands stock-still as she listens, and I strain my ears. Why isn't she putting King on speaker? Suddenly, Lilly's free hand flies to her mouth. "Are you sure?" Her eyes gloss over, and she whispers, "What about Jenn?" No one in the room dares to breathe as we wait. "Okay. Ethan is on his way."

She heads out of the office without a backward glance.

What the—?

We race after her, and with every step, my pulse thunders in my ears. I want to demand to know what the fuck is going on, but Lilly rounds another corner before I can formulate the words.

The three of us trail her to the first floor. Elle is asleep on the couch in one of the living rooms, with Ethan next to her in the armchair. He is on his phone, but his head snaps up at the sound of our footsteps. Lilly gestures for him to follow, and he stands in a fluid motion.

She doesn't stop until she's in front of the door to the garage. Pivoting toward Ethan, she explains, "They released King. I just sent the address to your phone. She's waiting for you inside a twenty-four-hour gas station."

The hallway begins to tilt, and I press my palm against the nearest wall to steady myself.

"What about Jenn?" Ethan studies Lilly's face.

In all of this, I didn't consider his relationship with Jenn. She is missing, too. She is his sister, for all intents and purposes.

"King never saw her." Her monotone voice sends chills down my spine.How can she be this…disconnected?

"I'm going with him." Wes blows past me, but Lilly plants a hand on his chest.


"What do you mean, no? She's my fucking wife." Wes tries to sidestep Lilly, but Ethan blocks his way. Adrenaline chases my thumping heartbeat, and my attention shifts between everyone in the hallway. None of this makes sense.

"If Lilly says no, the answer is no." Ethan lets a mask slip into place that I've only heard of. I recognize the person he used to be—before he started working for George.

Wes wants to argue, and Rhys side-eyes me. Even though he knows as much as the rest of us, he's ready to hold his best friend back if necessary. He trusts Lilly implicitly.

Wes's shoulders slump. He gives up. "How far is this place?"

"About an hour from here. King will call you as soon as she's with Ethan. She is safe, but we're not risking anyone else. He's the one best equipped for this. And you need to be here in case Haddie wakes up."

Lilly's cryptic answers are getting on my nerves. Before I can order him to take me, Ethan pushes through the door, and a moment later, we hear the motor of the Escalade come to life.

"You're really expecting us to sit here for the next two hours? What are you not telling me?" Wes flicks his eyes at me. "Us," he amends. He has come to the same conclusion.

"King will explain. I don't have all the facts. I…" She seeks out her husband. "I'm going to sit with Audrey while we wait."

My legs threaten to give out. She's not going to continue to look for Denielle. Lilly is rattled to the core. I watch her head toward the stairs with one arm across her chest and the other covering her mouth.

I remainrooted in the hallway as Wes goes back to Haddie. Rhys trails after Lilly, and I am…alone. Elle and Hazel are asleep—not that I would've sought either of them out.