Page 103 of Princes & Wolves

I looked at Valen and I felt the smile on my lips. “Yeah,” I told Dad, my eyes still on Valen. “Yes. I want to be with Valen.”

“A Kincaid and a Vanguard,” Dad chuckled. “All right. Who am I to deny my little princess what she wants?”

My eyes swung back to Dad. “Really?”

He nodded. “Really. I don’t know how long it will take, but I’ll open negotiations with Cillian. Until then…”

I sighed and nodded, playing with Apollo’s heavy diamond on my finger. “I know. Keep up the ruse.”

“We cannot afford to let Archer get wind of our plans before everything is set,” he said, like he was trying to reassure me, like it was an apology. “We need a solid contract with the Kincaids before risking the wrath of Archer Callahan.”

“He’d be stupid to start anything with my family and his son already guaranteed on your side,” Valen said.

“We have Apollo?” Dad clarified.

I nodded. “He just wants me to be happy. He’s willing to do whatever it takes.”

“I think it says a lot about you, darling,” Dad said fondly, “that you have three very powerful men who feel that way.”

“You don’t think much of yourself, do you?” I teased.

Dad cracked a full-on, warm smile. “Not at all,” he laughed, then looked at me with adoration in his eyes. “I suppose I’m going to need to show you the ropes then.”

I blinked, confused. “What do you mean?”

Dad shrugged. “Well, if you’re going to be head of the Vanguard empire, then you’ll need to know how things work.”

Me? Head of the Vanguard empire?

I’d seen more of the men’s business lately, but I knew there was a lot I still had to learn. One thing I didn’t need to learn was that women never inherited. Never. If Dad was actually suggesting I would inherit...?

“Seriously?” I asked.

He nodded. “Seriously. Valk, I presume I don’t need to ask that my daughter has your backing?”

“She has God and all his Angels behind her, Mr Vanguard.”

Dad looked Valen up and down. “If you’re really planning to go through with this, you’d better call me Rex, son.”

“That’s not my place,” Valen answered, like it was rote.

“Valk, you’re about to risk the wrath of the whole of Family Kincaid, don’t risk mine as well.”

The corner of Valen’s lip tipped up. “Of course, Rex.”

“How much does Marco know?” Dad asked suddenly and I was surprised by the turn the conversation took.

Valen shrugged and helped himself to the seat beside me like some unspoken permission had been given. “Everything.”

“Are you not as good as your reputation, Valk?” Dad actually cracked a joke.

Ah, this time I wasn’t the last to know something.

Valen almost smirked in reply, but I answered before he could, “Or Marco’s a lot better at his job than you give him credit for.”

Dad smiled at me. “You worked it out.” Another not question.

“Not that long ago, but yes. I accused him, he came clean.”

E.J. Knox's Novels