Page 104 of Princes & Wolves

“The beating he gave us for the way we treated you,” Valen said, sounding proud of Marco.

“You want to rethink that admission, Valk?” Dad asked sternly.

I put a hand on Valen’s arm. “Apollo acted… Let’s just say he has a long way to come before his redemption. Valen did nothing more than what he thought was best. He was wrong – very wrong – but he meant well. By me and Apollo.”

Dad looked at Valen like he saw him with new eyes. “I see. Archer has always extolled your loyalty, Valk.”

“Unlike many in my family, my loyalty can’t be bought, Rex,” Valen answered, almost like a warning. “But your daughter has held it since the first time I saw her.”

Dad’s gaze swung to me again. “Well, then. Consider our estate a safe haven for this week, then,” he said to both of us. “My staff know better than to spread anything that could harm our household. Take this week to be very sure that this is what you want. Once you’re back at school, you will not have the luxury or the freedom. And Valk, I will be in contact with your father. You may like to give him a head’s up.”

Valen nodded. “Apollo and I will make sure he’s ready for you.”

Dad nodded once. “Good. Now, go. Do whatever it is you young people do when our world isn’t threatening to crush you alive.” So, even dad was under no pretences about the realities of our world, on any of us.

I jumped up and ran around his desk to kiss his cheek. “Thank you, Dad.”

He smiled. “I would do anything for you, Harlow. I’m just sorry I didn’t realise how unhappy you were sooner.”

I shook my head. “I played my part too well, maybe.”

“You did. Which makes me believe that, while this next part will be hard for you all, you’ll survive it.” He squeezed my hand gently. “Just promise me that next time you want something, you just come and talk to me about it.”

I bit my lip against a smile and nodded. “Promise.”

“Good girl. I love you, Harlow.”

“I love you, too, Dad.”

“Go. I have work to do. Valk, if you can get Marco here sometime tomorrow?”

“Will do, Rex.”

I went to Valen, took his hand, and led him out of Dad’s office. Valen and I didn’t bother looking for Florence and Apollo, we just went straight to my room and got lost in each other in celebration. Florence had some choice words about having to wait until dinner to find out that we were one step closer to a happy ever after, but she got over it.

Chapter Twenty-Three

It was back to school the next Sunday night and out of the bubble we’d created for ourselves once more. But this time, after the bubble burst, I didn’t have to leave Valen behind.

I didn’t have to walk into the sunlight the next morning with regrets, I walked into it with nothing but hope for the future. That future wasn’t perfect yet, but it’s potential was so much more than the potential I’d almost settled for.

At school, it was back to pretending that Apollo and I were the loved-up couple. It was easier for me this time around. It felt like playing again, not walking to the gallows. I knew it wasn’t as easy on Valen, but we both more than made up for it nearly every night in his bed.

At school, only five of us knew the truth.






We all had the secret to keep, and we all knew now who Marco really was to me.

I understood that knowledge had put a bit of a dampener on whatever kind of relationship Florence and Marco had been entertaining, but they both – independently – assured me that it was mutual and amicable.

E.J. Knox's Novels