Page 12 of Princes & Wolves

“I’m about to run out of patience with the two of you,” he snarled at her.

“Tough fucking luck,” Florence answered.

Valen was still up against her, chest-to-chest, and he pointed at me. “I expect this sort of disobedience from her, but I will not tolerate it from you. I don’t care what she’s told you, my restraint goes no further than her. Do you understand me?”

Something sizzled between them. An understanding. Florence knew Valen knew. Valen knew Florence knew. There was an unspoken agreement that it didn’t need to be explained, and the expectation it wouldn’t be discussed seemed given.

“Throw your weight around all you like, Valk,” Florence said. “But you wouldn’t dare touch me knowing what it would do to Harlow.”

Oh, brilliant.

Not only did they both know that they both knew there was something – had been something – between Valen and me, now Florence was antagonising him, too. It wasn’t enough that she rile up God, she wanted to test the decency of a man well-known to have none. And drag me into it, to boot.

“Don’t use me in your disagreements,” I told them. “This is between you.”

Valen growled and it was fucking sexy. “I will answer any question about tonight that you have. Once you’re in your dorm room,” he promised her.

She seemed to be in bullshit detecting mode. Finally, she nodded. “Okay.”

Valen nodded, then led the way to the girls’ dorm. He didn’t bat an eyelid at the girls who squeaked and hurried out of his way as he charged up the stairs and straight to our room. He opened the door, ushered us in, stepped in, then closed the door behind him.

“Ask your questions,” he demanded as he went to check our windows like he actually thought someone might try climbing in them.

“What is going on?” Florence asked.

“Someone’s come looking for vengeance.”

“That’s hardly an answer.”

“I said I’d answer your questions, not give you a fucking lecture in response,” he said, turning to her as he crossed his arms. “Next question.”

Florence rolled her eyes. “Why has someone come looking for vengeance?”

“Because God is drunk with power and he’s crossing boundaries he’s never even pushed before.”

Both Florence and Valen looked at me and I was going to pretend I didn’t read the implication on their face; God was drunk with power because of me.

“Okay.” Florence seemed to be thinking.

A great klaxon sounded through the building. It was the signal for lockdown.

“Any more questions?” Valen asked.

“Who did God piss off?”

“No one you need to worry about.”

“That’s not a good enough answer, Valk.”

“God fixed a car race. Marco made sure Fender won it. The losers are coming for payback.”

Florence rolled her eyes again in her typical exasperated with Apollo style. “Fucking idiots. The pair of them.”

“Fucking idiots,” Valen agreed. “Is that it?”

Florence looked him over like she was considering. “Would you give me any more answers if I kept pushing?”

“I said I’d answer all your questions.”

E.J. Knox's Novels