Page 13 of Princes & Wolves

“I wasn’t sure if I should believe you.”

“Valen’s many things,” I said quietly. “But he doesn’t lie.”

“If I can help it,” he added, as though that was a very important point.

“Is Apollo going to be okay?” I asked.

Valen gave a single nod. “He’s got the other Angels. Those coming for him will barely put a scratch in him.”

“Barely? That’s hardly a comfort.”

“It’s comfort enough for me,” Florence commented dryly as she dropped onto her bed.

“If that’s it, I’ll be in the hallway. Lock the door and do not open it for anyone but me,” Valen commanded. “Understood?”

A thrill ran through me just at the word and the memory of the way he usually used it. There was a look in his eye that made me think he was playing on that now. But then I blinked, and he was back to just his usual, stony self.

“Understood,” Florence said when it seemed obvious that I wasn’t going to reply.

He left and we busied ourselves to take our minds off what might be happening in the woods. After I was changed and in my pyjamas, I opened the door a crack and found Valen sitting on the floor with his back against the wall like he was a very tired sentry, his vape pen in his hands. Tired, or bored.

“Are you planning to be here all night?” I asked him.

He leant his head against the wall. “Someone has to be.”

“You don’t need to help Apollo?”

He rolled his head to look up at me. “Yes.”

“Then why don’t you go? Or does even God’s tame wolf not have a way through the nuns’ lockdown?”

The ghost of a smirk lit his gorgeous lips as he looked down the hallway away from me. “I could get out of here blindfolded and bound–”

“That’s certainly an image,” I said suggestively.

His eyebrow rose as he looked at me from the corner of his eyes. “That mouth on you,” he whispered, almost reverently.

I shrugged. “Am I supposed to be the little princess again?”

He shook his head slowly. “Fuck, no. Not with me.” He shifted and cleared his throat. “It doesn’t matter to me.”

“Of course not,” I said, a note of teasing in my voice. “What does it matter to you the dark and sinful, erotic things that go through my mind?”

I didn’t know what made me push him – almost test him – like that. Maybe it was the fact we were both a little drunk, but I couldn’t help myself.

He gave a humourless chuckle. “Nothing. It doesn’t matter to me at all.”

I leant on the door frame. “Can I get you anything?” His head twitched like we both knew what I really wanted to offer but wouldn’t. “Bottle of water? If you’re hungry, I’m pretty sure all we have are biscuits.”

“Water would be great.”

I nodded. “Back in a second.”

“What are you doing?” Florence hissed as I closed the door. “I have no where to go, so you two can’t fuck in here.”

I smirked at her as I went to the mini fridge. “I’m not doing anything.”

She nodded. “Sure. I’m just melting over here from imagined burning hot chemistry between the two of you.”

E.J. Knox's Novels