So I have to be careful not to touch her. I could so easily slip up and lose control with her delicious scent and that roaring going throughout my body.

Fuck the Tree of Knowledge. Elena is the Tree of Life, and I'm dying for a taste of her, but I already know I'm a greedy creature and one taste will never be enough. If I ever have her, I’ll need her over and over and over again.

Still, even as I tell myself not to touch her, my hands are drawn to her of their own accord because when we stop outside the bedroom door, my right hand reaches out to cup her cheek.

That electric current pulses through me, sending life roaring through my veins.

Her breath catches in her chest as she looks up at me with those innocent blue eyes.

With great effort, I pull my hand away from her cheek and bid her goodnight. “Goodnight, Elena. If you need anything, all you have to do is say my name and I’ll be there.”

She doesn’t answer. Instead, she merely slips behind the door before closing it behind her while I stand there fighting the impossible hard-on just the barest touch of her cheek gave me.

I might be unable to touch her the way I want to, but I'll do everything within my power to make sure she has everything her heart desires.



I wakeup the next morning to a pair of golden eyes glowing down at me.

I gasp and sit up sharply.

“Forgive me for invading your privacy, but you're so beautiful when you sleep,” Stephan murmurs.

I just stare up at his handsome face, struck all over again at the absurdity of all of this. He's kidnapped me, even though he says it's for my safety, and yet he's apologizing for invading my privacy. The fact that he's been stalking me and invading my privacy for months now only makes it even more ironic that he's asking forgiveness for coming into my room unannounced.

That thought gives me pause, though. Just how much did he watch me? Has he been in my room before without me knowing? Was he watching meallthe time? Has he watched me sleeping before he brought me here?

I look up at him and decide that I don't even want to know the answer. It wouldn't change things anyway.

Movement in the corner of the room catches my eye. I look over to see a woman transferring racks upon racks of clothing to the huge walk-in closet. I look back at Stephan questioningly.

“What's going on?”

You needed clothes,” he states as if it's as simple as that.

“So you bought me a whole freakin’ wardrobe?” I clarify.


Part of me has to appreciate the fact that he's so straightforward and direct when he answers questions now, yet another part of me is befuddled by that very directness.

My heart sinks within me when I look back at the mountains upon mountains of clothes he's having transferred to the closet. It looks like he plans for me to be here for averylong time.

What am I going to do?

“You're awake!” The woman gushes when she sees Stephan and me talking.

“Elena, this is Elizabeth,” Stephan introduces us.

Elizabeth transfers the last of the hangers to the closet before she comes over and plops down on the bed beside me familiarly like we're the best of friends.

Her hair is long and a brilliant red, her skin is pale, and her eyes are a warm green.

“So, what do you like to eat?” she asks me excitedly.

I blink at her in confusion.