“Food,” she elaborates as she takes in my lost expression. “You humans do still eat food, right?” Stephan arcs a humorous brow up at me before he tells the woman who's obviously a vampiress, “Yes, Elizabeth. Humans still eat food. Why would they not?”

She shrugs flippantly. “I don't know! Everything changes so much throughout the centuries. I didn't know if they’d come up with some tiny little pill that they can take instead of eating now. The way technology has exploded, Stephan. Humans really are such ingenious little creatures.”

The woman's energy is off the charts as she goes off on tangents about the changing times.

I'm taking it she must be at least a few centuries old, like Stephan. The woman finally catches herself rambling and gets back on course, turning that pair of bright emerald green eyes back onto me.

“Anyway, food...did you like the soup last night? I can do more of that! Or I can do wild duck or rabbit or escargot. Basically anything! You just tell me what you want, and I can whip it up, and if it’s something I don't know how to make, I'll have so much fun learning. I love to cook. That's what I used to do back when I was human,” she tells me proudly with a little flick of her beautiful red hair.

“So, what do you like?” she asks me.

“I'm not picky,” I tell her. “It's just whatever.”

She frowns, deflated at my disinterest in food.

Seeing her disappointment makes me feel guilty, especially when I remember how Stephan had mentioned his cook would be overjoyed to have someone to cook for, so I add, “I love anything with chicken and cheese.”

Her face brightens as she nods excitedly. “Oh, there's a lot I can do with those ingredients! Anything you're allergic to?” she asks me.

I shake my head. “Not that I'm aware of, though I'm not really a fan of beef.”

She nods again like she's memorizing everything I say. Then, out of nowhere, she reaches out and strokes my hair like she's petting a fluffy new kitten. She beams at Stephan. “She's truly adorable, Stephan. Wherever did you find her?”

Stephen stiffens when she touches me, and Elizabeth obviously notices that because she quickly pulls her hand back and then gives him a remorseful smile. “Sorry. I couldn't help myself.”

A low growl sounds in the back of Stephan’s throat, and Elizabeth must take that as her cue to give him some space because she tells me, “I'll be seeing you around, Elena. Anytime you have a craving for something, you let me know, and let me know what dishes you like best. If you need anything—and I mean anything, even if it’s outside of food like just a girl to chat with or hang out with—you can always find me around here.”

She casts a wary glance at Stephan, who’s still frowning at her before she rushes to add, “Okay, okay, I'm leaving now. I promise.”

“Your cook is nice,” I speak into the silence whenever Elizabeth clicks the door shut behind us.

“My sister can be...excitable,” he says.

I blink. I don't know why it never occurred to me that he had other siblings besides Dorian.

As if he can read the thoughts on my face, he supplies, “We’re not blood siblings. Not like Dorian and I are, but we were born of the same sire.”

“Do you have many siblings?” I asked him curiously.

His eyes take on a sad, faraway look when he answers, “Not as many as I used to.”

I don't know why it surprises me that he's showing sadness at the loss of some of his siblings—even if they were vampire siblings. I suppose it is just like me to be a pretentious human and assume that humans are the only ones capable of feeling familial bonds.

However, it's obvious that Stephan is a creature of great emotion. He seems to feel just as deeply—if not more so than I do.

Something about that causes my heart to squeeze in sympathy.

But then I mentally berate myself. It doesn't matter how sorry I feel for him. It doesn't make what he's done right—even if it is in the name of protecting me.

“What can I do for you, Elena?” Stephan’s voice turns soft and contemplative.

“Let me go?” I ask half-jokingly, half-hopefully, yet knowing he won't do it.

His face pulls down into a frown. “Anything but that, my angel.”

He leans forward and pins me in his hypnotic gaze. “Any hobbies? Anything you've ever wanted to try? I have all the wealth of the world at my disposal. I can get you anything you want. All you need to do is say the word.”

When I'm silent, Stephan adds quietly yet insistently, “This doesn't have to be an unpleasant experience for you, Elena. I already told you I won't hurt you, but I want you to be happy here, and I'll do anything within my power to make you so.”