My stomach turns at the thought of it.

Stephan, I pray in my head as if he's a God that can hear me,save me!



I answerthe phone call from Dorian on the first ring. After I lost my temper and smashed my last phone, I immediately replaced it for in case my piece of shit brother decided to make contact again. If I know anything about my brother, it's that he loves to gloat over his supposed victories.

Only this isn't a phone call that he's making. It's a FaceTime video. I hold the phone up, my eyes instantly scanning the vicinity for Elena.

“Oh, she's here,” Dorian says when he sees me looking for her. “You’re probably wondering why I’m videoing you. I thought you would want to witness this yourself.”

“If you hurt her—” I begin, but Dorian cuts me off with a dismissive wave of his hand as if he's bored.

“Yes, yes, I know. You'll murder me and all that. But that's not why I called you, dear brother.” His voice drips with sarcasm. “I wanted you to see for yourself that Elena has consented to be my queen.”

My heart stutters to a stop within me. It can't be true. I can't see Elena with any other man—or vampire, most especially my brother.

“You're lying,” I grit out.

“I assure you I'm not,” He tells me smugly. “In fact, Elena is right here with me to give you the good news.”

He motions for her to come forward. Then, he wraps his arm around her shoulders and pulls her against the side of him. My mouth goes dry at what she’s wearing. It’s a beautiful red gown that only enhances her blue eyes and blonde hair, and it pisses me the fuck off knowing that Dorian picked it out for her.

The look on her face makes it clear she isn’t thrilled about the circumstances either. That’s the only thing that calms me.

“Go on. Tell him, my dear,” he prompts her as he looks down at her indulgently.

She gives the camera a flat stare as she monotones, “It's true.”

I study her face carefully, though, looking for any hint that this isn't what she wants because I cannot for the life of me believe that she really wants Dorian—not after the way she melted in my arms. Not unless he's got her under some sort of secret charm or power.

My jaw clenches as I watch Dorian stroke his fingers over her head as if he's petting a pampered pet. While still watching me, he places a kiss on the side of her forehead.

As much as it hurts me to see his lips anywhere near her, I don't take my eyes off of her while his attention is fixed solely on me. She's staring at me with wide eyes.

I see the tiniest movement of her lips.

Help!she makes out. The movement is almost imperceptible, but with my advanced senses, I see it—just as she knew I would.

Dorian grins at me smugly. “This was all Elena’s idea, wasn't it, darling? She wanted to invite you to be personally there to witness our nuptials. She's really not your biggest fan, brother.” He tsks at me. “Looks like you went about wooing this one all wrong.”

My eyes bore into Elena. Smart, beautiful, brave girl. She must have figured Dorian out enough to know how to play him. I could cheer right now. She just made my job a hell of a lot easier. If Dorian is going to tell me his location, then I can get close enough to take back what’s mine.

Oh, I don’t underestimate him. I'm sure it's not going to be simple. He's going to have something up his sleeve, no doubt. “Are you going to give me your location, or did you just call to gloat?” I asked him acidly.

“Oh, don't try to make me believe that you're actually okay with this and that you're going to stand down. I'm under no illusions that you won't try to take her from me as soon as you get here. That's why with her being a willing participant and so eager to get back at you for how you ruthlessly stalked her and kidnapped her—the poor dear,” he takes a break in his monologue to look down at her as if he really feels sympathy for her plight, “it'll be done before you can ever intervene, and then she'll be mine.”

I see the terror in Elena’s eyes as she realizes the gravity of the entire situation.

Trust me, I try to convey to her through my eyes. What I wouldn't give to have our true mate bond right now so that I could speak to her in her mind and calm her.

I think she gets the message, though, because she blinks and then looks down. I watch her inhale a deep breath.

Good girl.

“Location,” I repeat impatiently.