“Oh, it looks like he's just as impatient to watch us become mated as we are, honey.” Dorian glances down at Elena with a wicked smile.

“My, my, my Stephan, I must say, I never thought you were that kinky. I rather thought you were a bore in bed. But hey, whatever gets your rocks off. I don't mind him watching if you don't, honey.” He glances down at Elena again. She forces out a smile, though I can tell that she looks like she's going to be sick. See, the difference between me and Dorian is Dorian doesn't know Elena like I do. He doesn't know every flicker of her eyes. Every tiny move of her muscles. He didn't watch her and study her and obsess over her like I did.

He doesn't love her. He just wants her because she's mine and Dorian has always wanted whatever the fuck I had.

“I see no need to wait,” Dorian goes on before he tells me the address.

I'm there within a blink and instinctively make a move for Elena, but Dorian clutches her closer about him, his arms wrapped around her from behind. He hovers his mouth over her neck like a human would hover a blade over a jugular. The point is made, and the threat of his fangs is just as effective as that of a weapon—if not more so.

“One step closer, and I'll bite her immediately.” I scoff and feign more confidence than I feel. “You have to take her virginity before you bite her.”

Dorian tsks at me again. The sound grates on my nerves so badly, I can’t help grinding my molars together.

He levels me with a disappointed look, “As always, you underestimate me. I have the same resources you do. You and I both know it doesn’t matter whether I pierce her flesh or hymen first.” He smiles, and I see his fangs lengthening and glinting in the lamplight. “Don’t believe me? Just try me.”

“Why have you always hated me?” I ask him. It’s not like I even care at this point, but if I can keep him talking, then that will keep him from initiating the change in Elena. “What did I ever do to you other than try to protect you like a big brother should?”

His eyes flare with sudden heat. “Protect me? All you've ever done is try to outshine me. You had to be the first brother. You always had to be the favorite. Always had to one-up me on everything.” He’s seething, his voice dripping with scorn.

“You were the favorite in mother and father's eyes, and then you have to go and become immortal and refuse to share the gift with me. Well, the joke's on you now because the only thing I think you've ever truly cared about chose me.” He looks so smug I itch to wipe that look off his fucking face.

I laugh hollowly. “You’re just as foolish as you were as a boy. I was trying to keep you from sharing my curse.”

“No! You were trying to deny me!” he suddenly screams, flailing his hands in the air as he does so, unconsciously releasing Elena in the process.

That's all it takes. In that one moment that he loses control, she sprints into my arms. I close the distance between us with my superhuman vampire speed.

“Elena!” Dorian calls out her name in shock. A moment of hurt flashes across his face at her deception before it quickly morphs to anger. Did he really think she seriously wanted him after just one day in his presence? Is he really that deluded? Is his ego really that big?

“Stephan!” Elena flings herself into my arms. She tilts her neck to the side as she wraps her little arms around my neck. “Do it!” she whispers in my ear.

I can feel her body trembling, and my eyes flick back up to Dorian, who looks like a volcano about to erupt. He's unstable, and there's no telling what he'll do if he makes it over here before I bite her.

I don't even have time to ask her if she’s sure this is what she really wants because there's really no choice now.

I can’t risk Dorian doing it first.

I open my mouth and sink my fangs into her, feeling the sweet flesh give way underneath the piercing points of my fangs.

“No!” Dorian screams, but I'm completely lost. I barely even register his presence now as I drink greedily from my woman.Elena. This sweet angel. I've been dying to taste her ever since that first moment I smelled her.

Now, I mentally call to my team.

My cock hardens as the first sweet taste of her blood hits my tongue. I hear Dorian’s screams in the background as my men suddenly descend upon him.

I hold Elena tightly in my arms and force myself to stop drinking from her long enough to transport us back to my castle.

She whispers my name tremulously, desire in her voice, as I lay her gently on the bed that I've never used but sure as hell am going to now. “Elena, my love, my darling,” I whisper to her before I claim her lips fiercely.

She kisses me back just as ardently as she begins to instinctively lift her hips up, rubbing them shamelessly against me. “Stephan, please, bite me again,” she begs, and as much as it pains me to deny her, I know that I've taken enough from her. I can't drink any more from her.

“Not yet,” I tell her gently.

She whimpers a sound of protest, but I silence her with another deep kiss to her lips. Her eyes are wild when I pull back and look down at her. She's twisting and writhing with lust, and I can smell her arousal. Her scent combined with the sweet taste of her blood still on my tongue is enough to drive me insane.

“Fuck, Elena,” I growl at her before I rip the dress off of her and stare down at her naked body.

She's gorgeous and flushed all over with her desire. She's so gone in the first part of the change that she's not even shrinking away in any sort of virgin’s modesty.