Page 23 of Mr. Sinister

"I know his background with the cult, if that's what you're asking."

"Then you already know what there is to know about us."

Russell says it so calmly that I almost fail to understand what he's really saying. But when it finally hits me, and I look at them one by one, and all of them only stare back at me with the same calmness—-

It reminds me of how calm Mr. Sinister was as well, the first time he told me about Ypeíko. I can't help but think it's a skill they've been forced to learn, to disassociate themselves from what was happening around them at an early age.

"I'm so sorry." The words sound so inane, but I can't think of anything else to say. I know my early exposure to porn isn't ideal, but compared to their upbringing...

"It's life," Gerard says with a shrug.

"Were you Raaf?"

Cain shakes his head. "We were all born in the cult."

"Then your mothers were the ones who were—-" My voice trails off when Cain shakes his head again.

"Let us just say, señorita," Ramon says with a humorless smile, "that the cult was not completely wrong. There are indeed women who want what they offer, and our mothers were among their number."

I look at them helplessly, hating how all I can think of doing right now is to empathize.

"You do not need to be sad about it, little madam. It is all in the past, and it was not always bad," Gerard clarifies in an attempt to comfort me. "The boss was like our big brother in those days, and he looked after us as best as he could."

"He also insists on being the same out here in the real world," Cain is quick to add in a patently worshipful tone. "When the cult went down, Social Services did not waste time dumping us in foster care, but the boss made it a mission to track us down one by one."

"Raaf knew that not all of us would be able to reintegrate ourselves into society," Russell says with a humorless smile.

"And those who could not, he took in himself. Didn't he?"

"Exactly, señorita. It is impressive that you already seem to know him so well after just meeting him," Ramon teases. "Perhaps you are soulmates?"

My cheeks are on fire once again, which of course the guys find absolutely funny. And while I do know they're all just teasing...would it be so bad if I were to start thinking that I might also be his dream and nightmare come true?

I impulsively turn to the others, and the words just fly out of my mouth. "Has he kidnapped anyone else before me?"

Cain frowns. "There's been countless—-"


"But you will not hold it against the boss, surely?" Ramon looks disappointed. "It was one of his duties in the cult."

Oh! I shake my head in relief. "I'm sorry, I didn't make myself clear. What I'm asking is...has he ever kidnapped a woman for, um...personal...reasons?"

There's a slight pause, and then everyone starts to laugh, and though I try my best, I still end up turning red in the face of their knowing looks.

Gerard shakes his head. "What a surprise. Little madam is quite a jealous little thing."

"If you really want to know whether he has kidnapped any other girl for his personal use—-"

Russell's choice of verbiage is not lost on me, and I wonder if he's trying to scare me.

"Then should you not," a voice slots in from behind us, "ask the boss yourself?"

The Member

Raaf had to swiftly clench his jaw at the way Sara's mood visibly swung from stunned to skittish to smitten upon turning around to meet his gaze. It was too fucking cute, dammit...but once he heard the other guys started to snicker, Raaf knew that his efforts at keeping his features expressionless were all for naught.

In a few strides, he had closed the distance between them, and his Sara tensed visibly as he lowered his head. She was obviously expecting him to kiss her, but while that had been his intention, he found himself unable to resist messing with her, and so...

"I'll be needing to punish you again," he whispered to her ear.

His Sara did not disappoint with her reaction, with her lips parting to let out a sound that was part moan, part squeak...of the bovine sort.

The guys laughed, and Raaf had to allow himself a twitch of his lips as well as Sara turned tomato-red before them.

"Will we be needing to use earphones in a while, boss?"

Sara let out another one of her unique moan-squeaks, and she followed it with a third one as Raaf replied, "If my Sara begs me to take her virginity tonight, then fuck yes."

He swept her up in his arms after that, and she threw him a look of mortification as they ascended the steps that would take them back to the main lounge. "You're going to make them think I'm..."