Page 24 of Mr. Sinister

Raaf smirked. "Go on."

"You know what I mean."

"And I meant what I said. I won't fuck you until you beg me for it."

His Sara was still choking as he lowered her on the couch and took a seat next to her.

"Now..." Raaf patted his lap. "Come here, my dove." Suspicion flashed in her eyes, but he only patted his lap again. Whether she admitted it or not, she was born to obey him, and his patience was rewarded a moment later as his Sara inched towards him ever so slowly.

Her movements reminded him of a frightened little deer, which then of course left him to play no other role than a big wild cat. The thought amused him enough that it had him waiting for the exact moment he sensed her lower her guard—-

And then he made his move.

By the time his Sara cried out, it was all over, and she found herself flat on her back, her head pillowed by his lap.

She stared up at him, her rosy-red lips partly open, and a smirk touched his mouth at the flurry of emotions that clouded her gaze. At first there was apprehension and fear, which later turned into excitement, and he knew exactly why that was.

"Sorry to disappoint you, my dove." His apology made her brows furrow, and he had to tighten his lips to stifle his smile. "But I am not going to kiss you."

Guilt turned her cheeks pink, and a telltale quaver betrayed her true feelings as she finally managed to gasp out a denial. "I...I w-wasn't thinking of any such thing."

"Of course you were."

"I really wasn't, and...and can we please just talk about something else?"

"Certainly, my dove. Shall we start with what you were asking Russel about?"

His words appeared to catch her off guard, and Raaf was treated with the sight of his Sara squirming and biting her lip before nervously sneaking a look at him as she asked haltingly, "Promise you won't laugh?"


Her lips pursed, and a surprisingly mutinous expression crossed her features. "Then I won't tell you."

"Are you certain," he drawled, "that is the course of action you wish to take?"

Her mutinous expression held for another moment, but then she started squirming again, and he had to swiftly clench his jaw. Everything his Sara did made him want to fucking hug her and, well, just fucking fuck her, too. Why the hell did it seem so easy for this girl to get under his skin?

"I think you're just torturing me," she muttered under her breath.

"Kidnappers," he told her seriously, "are by definition an awful lot. If you still don't know that by now, then it's definitely a good thing I haven't abducted you for your brains."

She gaped at him, but Raaf only let his lip curl in response. "What is it this time, my dove? Are you going to tell me you were expecting kidnappers like me to be polite?"

Her lip started to tremble, and then her shoulders started to shake. Another second passed, and then she was clutching her stomach, with her peals of laughter filling the room.

A captive who could still take a joke, Raaf mused. Most kidnappers would not ask for more than that, but because he was a greedy son of a bitch...

He waited for her to calm down, and as her laughter faded, he pressed her one more time. "Tell me what you wished to know from him."

She flipped to her side all of a sudden, and it was only when she started to speak in an awkward voice—-

"I asked them..."

—-that he realized she had turned her back on him to avoid his gaze.

"If you had kidnapped anyone else before me?"

Raaf was bemused, and if he were being honest, he was also faintly worried since that was a remarkably stupid question. "I was in a cult that specialized in kidnapping women. Of course, I'd—-" He abruptly stopped speaking, not because she was clearly in disagreement with what he said, but because the way his Sara was so vigorously shaking her head was also the equivalent to waking his cock out of its slumber.

Raaf could only swear in his mind as he found himself sporting a boner behind Sara's back.

"I'm not talking about that kind of kidnapping," Sara was protesting in the meantime. "What I want to know is..." He heard her take a deep breath before saying in a rush, "I want to know if you've kidnapped another girl for the same reason you took me!"

And as if she could no longer wait for his answer, she flipped back to face him, and that was when her gaze finally collided with the sight of big, hard cock jutting demandingly against his jeans.


It was that fucking 'oh' again, and it was an even bigger turn-on now, with the way her Bambi-like gaze was too damn pure in its inability to hide. The way she was staring at his boner was fucking irresistible...and most especially to monsters like him.