Keion jammed his elbow in my ribs, and I let out a startled groan. He shoved me out of the way to take another few steps toward him, but I saw Kailar’s eyes flash. Oh, he didn’t like the idea of Keion hurting me. It was foolish to let something so small give me some hope, but I have to confess, it did.

“Don’t you dare touch him!” Kailar shouted, his own fists clenching and his gorgeous blue-green eyes sparking with fury.

“I have no intention of attacking either of you!” Keion shouted. “I just need to know if you found Adan!”

I didn’t like all the yelling Keion was doing, but I knew how my brother felt, because before I saw him, and before I had him back with me, I’d been the same way about Kailar.

I held out my hand in appeal to him. “Please, babe. If you know something about Adan…could you tell us?”

“Since youasked nicely, Alyx,” he said looking straight at me and ignoring Keion. “And didn’t try to demand answers, I’ll tell you. Yes, I found him, Of course, I did. We’re twins and bonded. I’ll always be able to sense him and go to him wherever he is and the same goes for Adan. But it’s not good news. Beathag has him.”

“What?” Keion lost all color in his face so quickly I thought he would pass out. He literally staggered as his knees buckled, and I had to catch him before he fell. Even Kailar looked a little sympathetic.

“He’s not injured,” he said quickly, though a little sullenly, like he still didn’t really think Keion deserved to know. “No thanks to you, and whoever you tasked with taking care of him. But he will be soon if I don’t go to him.”

“What do you mean?” I asked, glancing over at Keion, who was just getting a little color back in his face.

“He was enclosed in an iron cage and had an iron chain around his waist. You know what iron does to the Fae people. He’s getting weaker. He begged me not to come back, because he said Beathag would kill us both. But of course, I’m going.”

“The hell you are!”

It honestly slipped out before I could stop it, but the idea of Kailar anywhere near that monstrous sea hag made my blood run cold. It was bad enough that she saw him and probably now knew where he was. But there was no fucking way he was going to be physically near enough to her for her to hurt him.

Still, I tried to fix it. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to give you orders!”

He raised one eyebrow at my outburst. “You don’t tell me what to do anymore, Alyx. Let’s get that straight between us right now.”

“It is. It’s straight and I’m sorry. Please, baby. Don’t be so angry at us for now. Just until we help you get Adan back.Please.”

He gave me an icy cold look and with that mercurial nature I was becoming more and more familiar with, he said, “I don’t owe you a damn thing.”

I was pretty much shocked speechless, but Keion jumped right in. “Please, Kailar. I’ll make arrangements for us to leave immediately, if you’ll let me go with you. I’ll take you wherever you need to go. I’m begging you, Kailar.”

Kailar seemed to be considering it. “Let’s get one thing straight between us. The only reason I’m even entertaining the idea is because I do need some help in getting there.” He glared over at me.

“Not you, though. You stay here where it’s safe.”

“What? No fucking way!”

“Oh, not so much fun when the shoe’s on the other foot, is it? Say one more word and I swear I’ll go without you.”

I opened and then closed my mouth again, because I had nothing. He came close enough for me to touch him like he was daring me. Mocking me. When I just stood there, he smirked at me knowingly.

“Good decision.” He patted me on the cheek and smiled when I turned bright red.

Then he pointed a finger at Keion. “Now listen up. I’llallowyou both to go, but at the first sign that you’re trying to run things or take over in any way, I’ll leave you wherever we are and go on my own. Is that understood? This is my rescue, and I’m the one in charge. Are we clear on that?”

“Yes!” Keion agreed quickly.

Kailar turned to me. “Are we?”

I huffed out a breath and said, “Yes,” but a little sullenly, I admit.

He considered us both for a moment, making me squirm a bit and then nodded. “Okay, make the arrangements and come back in about a half hour and let me know what they are.”

Keion fairly flew toward the door, but as I started to follow, Kailar said from behind me, “Oh no, not so fast. I already told youwhat I have planned for you.”

I turned back to him, and I guess I looked a little shocked because he laughed. “Unless you don’t want to be fucked?”