“Who knows? But as a result, he won’t hesitate to give us his army to defend against her.”

“How did he take the news about your…about Beathag?”

“Not well. Not well at all. He really loved her once. But I think he’ll be all right. I made him realize the woman he knew has been gone for a long time. This will free him at last to find another mate, and I’m going to suggest an Atlantean. Doesn’t your king have an unmarried sister?”

“Yes, as a matter of fact. Her name is Rowena and her first marriage didn’t work out. She moved back to the king’s palace.”

“Is she beautiful?”

“She is.”

“Then I believe my father and the king’s sister should make a match. I think my father has been lonely for a long time. And maybe a match with this Rowena would go a long way toward patching things up between my father and your king.”

“Maybe so,” he said, but he was still staring up at the ceiling, his brow creased in frown lines.

“So tell me what’s wrong then. If the king isn’t too mad at you, and considering we’ve vanquished the Hag who injured you and caused so much misery to the Atlanteans, what exactly is plaguing you?”

“Your sister. She seems to hate you and your brother so much. And then there’s the Kracken to consider. If she has the power to call on him, then I’m afraid we’ll be lost. No one has ever successfully fought him.”

“We’ll face that threat when the time comes, Alyx. If it comes. And in the meantime, we may need to intercede with Adan and Keion. Adan loves your brother—I know he does. But he has an even worse temper than I do. Keion isn’t out of dangerous waters yet.”

“Is your brother as unpredictable as you?”


“Does he have as bad a temper as you do?”

“Even worse.”

Alyx rolled his eyes a little and smiled. “Then may the gods help him.”

“Indeed,” I replied, “and by the way, you’re not out of trouble yet either. You still have a lot of making up to do.”

Alyx held out his arms to me. “Well, if I just have to…” He winked at me to let me know he was joking. “I suppose we should get started. I’m entirely at your disposal.”

“Oh yeah? The things I want to do to you could take a while.”

“That’s fine. I have all day.”

I laughed. “Who said anything about a day? I’m thinking it may take a few weeks. Buckle up, baby.”

I laughed at the expression on Alyx’s face, and then I fell on top of him again.

The End

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