Page 16 of Marquess of Fortune

Ace grimaced. He never shared this information and he hated doing it even now. Even with Emily. Those had been difficult days when they realized how much their lives would change now that their father was no longer their benefactor. Nearly all of the assets had gone to the legitimate heir. And the burden of caring for his mother and siblings had fallen to him.

“I’m sorry for your loss,” Emily said without a bit of judgment in her voice. “We lost our parents at the same time and my brother had to take over my education as well. I think he blames himself for my failures.”

Ace stared at the woman across from him. Not only did she not judge them for grieving a father they hadn’t the right to miss, but she shared a bit about herself too.

“I highly doubt he thinks you the failure you think yourself,” he said despite himself. He needed to comfort her.

Emily gave him an appreciative smile. “Thank you for that.”

Mirabelle tapped her arm. “Who else did you dance with? What did they serve for food? How many candles light the ballroom?”

Emily looked at Mirabelle with a bit of a laugh. “I danced with the Earl of Somersworth and I honestly can’t remember what they served. It’s all the same. Mutton. Bread. Cheese. But hundreds of candles light the room. You have to be careful of the dripping wax. It has the potential to ruin your dress.”

But Ace hardly heard most of what she’d said. He’d been under the impression that she rarely socialized with men at these parties. “You danced with the Earl of Somersworth?”

Even he could hear the sharp edge to his voice.

Emily’s eyes widened as she cocked her head to the side, giving him a long stare. “Yes. I did.”

Jealousy shot through him like a flash of lightning.

Which was ridiculous. He had no right for any such feelings and they’d only bring him misery. Of that he was certain. But his fist still clenched as he considered just how right for Emily a man like Somersworth would be.