Page 17 of Marquess of Fortune


Emily tried to catch her breath as Lord Smith, Ace, glowered at her across the carriage.

If she didn’t know any better, she’d think him jealous.

But Mirabelle didn’t seem to notice the undercurrent running between Emily and her brother and she continued on. “Oh, did you? A real earl? Was it as dreamy as I imagine? Tell me everything!”

Everything? Emily’s skin prickled from awareness as Ace watched her from his seat, his attention unwavering. Could she really tell Mirabelle, in front of Ace, about how Somersworth had confessed having feelings for her? Hinted at marriage?

Her cheeks flushed with heat at the very idea. Would it anger or him or would it possibly make him jealous? That notion had her shifting in her seat…

Across from her, Ace let out that growling rumble she found so arresting and she jumped in her seat.

“Yes, Miss Boxby. Tell us everything.”

Her fingers trembled and she carefully folded them in her lap to hide the reaction. “There isn’t much to tell. He’s my brother’s friend.”

“Is he handsome?” Mirabelle asked letting out a dreamy sort of sigh.

“Yes,” she answered honestly, having no idea what else to say. The right words always failed her when she was nervous.

Ace let out an even deeper noise of dissent. “Did he tell you how lovely you were?”

This conversation was surely not happening. She swallowed a lump as nerves of excitement and dread fluttered through her. “Why would he…” She simply couldn’t lie again today. Deceiving wasn’t something she did naturally and she already felt an immeasurable amount of guilt about her earlier fabrication to Mirabelle. And honestly, she couldn’t knowingly cause Ace to be jealous. If that’s what he was even feeling. It didn’t feel right to make him hurt in anyway.

“Oh, he did, didn’t he?” Mirabelle gushed, touching her chest as she fanned herself and then sat back with a sigh. “How romantic.”

Emily kept her lips pressed together. Her gaze flitted up to Ace’s to find him glowering back. “Tell us, Miss Boxby, did he confess his affection?”

Emily licked her suddenly parched lips as she shifted in her seat. This is what falsehoods brought her. She deserved this uncomfortable grilling. Had she hurt Ace’s pride? His feelings? Just a tiny bit of hope shined through her guilt. “He didn’t spout poetry or anything. Likely, he simply danced with me because my brother asked him to. Baron Boxby wants to help build my confidence. And Lord Somersworth just…”

But Ace’s glower only grew darker. “He just noticed that you were as beautiful as you were effervescent.”

Mirabelle gave a decided squeak at her brother’s words.

Emily opened her mouth to reply but found no sound came out at all as pleasure at the compliment coursed through her.

Ace sat back in his seat, his brows drawn tightly together, his arms crossed. “If he offers, you should accept.”

Those words knocked the breath out of her—and all her joy too.

If she’d been elated by his obvious jealousy, he robbed her of all the air with his last sentence. He’d told her he didn’t wish to marry. And then there was his false life…

And she’d told herself that she’d only furthered her relationship with Lord Smith to discover more about herself.

But somehow, that dismissal gutted her. “Forgive me, my lord,” she said, her voice trembling with emotion. “But I did not ask for your advice.”

He straightened, his brows shooting up. “I beg your pardon?”

She lifted her chin as she held back stinging tears of hurt. “I don’t need your advice on my future.”

His mouth opened and then closed. “I see.”

The carriage turned and she knew they were a minute or two from her home. She looked over at Mirabelle. “I’ll speak to my brother about your request.” She owed Mirabelle that after what she’d done today.

Mirabelle nodded but her eyes were now darting from Emily to Ace. “You don’t have to—”

“Nothing would make me happier,” she said, reaching for her friend’s hand. “I’ll send word to you.”