Page 23 of Mistakes Were Made

“You know how my mom and I don’t always get along.” It was the first time Parker had mentioned Erin since Family Weekend, so no, Cassie didn’t really know anything about their relationship. “I’m spending Thanksgiving with my dad so most of winter break I’ll be at my mom’s. And I love her, I do, but we’re too similar, or something, because we donotget along living in the same house. Like sometimes it’s fine but sometimes it isnot. And the thought of three weeks alone with her is insane. So I asked for an early Christmas present.”

She paused to hug Acacia.

“Love you,” Acacia said.

“Love you, too.”

Cassie cleared her throat. “Parker. You were saying?”

“Oh right,” Parker said like she lost her train of thought, but her nonchalance was too obvious for Cassie to believe her. “Anyway, my parents are going to fly you to New Hampshire for break.”

“What?” Cassie stared at her. Parker looked over her shoulder to the short line of people at security. “What are you talking about? That’s gotta be like, hundreds of dollars.”

“I was good this year,” Parker said. “Santa helped out.”

“Parker, I’m serious. That’s way too much.”

“I gotta go so I don’t miss my flight. Love you both! You’re my best friends! See you after Thanksgiving!” Parker grabbed her suitcase and started heading inside. “And the ticket is already bought; you’re coming for two weeks. Bye!”

She was inside before Cassie could process her words enough to respond. She had to settle for angry text messages.

Cassie [Today 3:35 PM]

This is ridiculous. It’s too much. Your parents can’t pay for me to visit

Parker [3:35 PM]

Too late, it’s nonrefundable and they’ll never let you pay them back

Cassie [3:36 PM]

What if I had plans?

Parker [3:36 PM]

We’re best friends, babe. I already knew you didn’t

Cassie [3:37 PM]

I don’t want your pity.

Parker [3:37 PM]

That’s nice. You don’t have it.

Parker [3:41 PM]

Just say thank you and spend winter break with me. It’s gonna be awesome

Parker [3:42 PM]

My mom makes such good food

Cassie sighed. That was the thing, right there. She could get over the presumptuousness of Parker buying the tickets before asking her. She didn’t even care that it was a lot of money; she had no problemwith rich people spending their money on her. But the idea of sharing a house with Erin for two weeks?

Cassie threw her phone into the center console and crossed her arms and stared out the window.

“You wanna talk about it?” Acacia asked. She’d been silent since they left the airport, letting Cassie process or something.