Page 24 of Mistakes Were Made

“It’s whatever,” Cassie grumbled.

She turned up the radio. Then turned it down.

“Did you know about this?” she asked.

Acacia nodded. “You’re gonna have fun.”

Cassie wasn’t so sure.

“You can’t fuck Parker’s mom while you’re staying with her for winter break.”

“I’m aware of that, Acacia.”

“But you’re going to want to, like, the whole time you’re there.”

Cassie was aware of that, too.

Kaysh tapped her thumbs against the steering wheel. “Remind me again why you can’t just keep it in your pants?”

“I can—I should—I will,” Cassie insisted. “I will.”

Acacia glanced over at her. Neither of them said anything.

“Erin’s just, like, super attractive, okay?” Cassie said eventually; Acacia’s patient quiet had always made her say too much. “And she’s pretty funny—I mean, we just made fun of Parker mostly, but whatever—you know how I feel about funny people.”

“Yeah, your panties drop.”

She wasn’t wrong.

“Just don’t fuck Parker’s mom.” She paused, then added, “Again.”

Cassie groaned. “Iknow,Kaysh. I’m not going to.”

They drove in silence for a while. It was just over two hours to Greensboro—they’d be there in time for dinner. Cassie would’ve liked to focus on the home cooking she was going to get all weekend, but the idea of two weeks in Erin’shousewas not something her brain could set aside.

“She can’t even be that mad at me, though,” Cassie broke the silence. “Parker, I mean.”


“She can’t be that mad at me for sleeping with Erin. She said I can bone whoever I want as long as I’m happy. Plus, she slept with Seth.”

Acacia stared at her for so long Cassie had to remind her to watch the road.

“She fucked your boyfriend so you get to fuck her mom?”

“Yeah,” Cassie said, because that only seemed fair, right? “Quid pro quo.”

“That’s not how that works.”

“Actually, that’s exactly how that works.”

“Her mother, Cassie.”

Cassie shrugged. “You know she’s a daddy’s girl anyway.”

Acacia punched her in the shoulder, but at least she kept her eyes on the road. “That is so not the point.”

“Quid pro quo,” Cassie said again, rubbing her arm where Acacia’s fist connected. She smirked. “Tit for tat.”