I got the scent of vanilla and I’d come to realize it was the fragrance she used. I was becoming a little addicted to the smell.

“We don’t rule everything in this school,” Gideon said. “Have you thought about talking to her?”

“I did. She had nothing to do with the transfer, and the principal gave her a lame excuse that it was a much better fit for her to be somewhere else.” She shook her head. “Why can’t you guys just leave me alone? I’ve done nothing to you and Heather doesn’t deserve this.”

We keep on fucking it up when it comes to Sian. I was drawing a blank on how to get to her. We all knew her parents were going to fix this, but I had a feeling she’d hate us afterward.

“We had nothing to do with it,” Gideon said.

The lies were mounting up.

“Bullshit. I can’t be done with this. I’ve got to get to class.”

None of us let her pass.

“What are you doing?”

“Why don’t you give us a chance?” Gideon asked.

“Because I don’t want to. Why don’t you go and screw every other girl in school? This one is not buying what you’re selling.” She took a step forward until she was pretty much touching Gideon and still, he didn’t move. “I’m not afraid of you.”

“It’s not the plan to make you afraid.”

“No, it’s your plan to turn me into your little bitch. It’s not going to happen, Gideon. Do you want a knee to the balls?” she asked.

I couldn’t help but smirk. I loved her fire.

It was rare for me to find a girl this entertaining. It was a shame that in a matter of days, it was all going to change.

Gideon hesitated for a second and then moved out of the way. Sian left the room without looking back.

“She is a pain in the ass,” Gideon said.

“Yeah, well I think it’s time we counted our blessings. We know it’s all going to change come Friday,” I said.

We left the school. The guys headed to the dorm while I took off to sit outside the library. At first, I just stared at the building, not really caring about going inside. This was where Sian went. Heather would be inside too.

A couple of girls wearing really low skirts passed. One of them called my name while the other waved. I ignored them.

Last year, I would’ve taken them both back to the dorm and enjoyed them both, but that wasn’t a luxury anymore.

Running a hand down my face, I had to wonder about my current predicament. I liked easy pussy. Sian was anything but easy.

When it started to rain, I had no choice but to escape the wet by going inside the library. The scent of books assailed me. I wasn’t a fan of the books. I preferred the empty pages of an art pad compared to the droning words of an author. Gideon was the reader of the four of us.

I spotted Heather and Sian immediately. They were surrounded by books and writing down into a notepad. Every now and then, Sian asked a question and Heather grabbed a book, pointing it out.

Where I stood, neither of them could see me.

Sian had let her hair down, and the small notepad I kept in my back pocket beckoned me. Without waiting, I pulled it out, took the pencil attached to the side, and began to sketch. Sian was incredibly beautiful. She never wore any makeup. A completely natural beauty. She rubbed at her temple as she read through whatever book she was looking at.

Heather said something, to which she laughed, and I had to say, with the little show of teeth, the slight bite against her bottom lip, my dick was hard as fucking rock for a single taste of her.

I was horny, no doubt about it.

It was strange, even though I’d seen those girls pass me and I could have both of them with a single click of my fingers, there was no real temptation there.

I’d started this year out with a sense of boredom. Sian had blown my expectations completely apart with how she refused to submit to us. Touching her was becoming an addiction. Simply grabbing her arm today felt like an intimate act, and the truth was it was a simple arm grab.

My quick sketch didn’t capture her well. After pulling out my cell phone, I took several photos from different angles and when I noticed Heather had left, I put my cell phone away and moved around the library, trying to find her.

She was in the science section, running her fingers along the length of the books, humming to herself.

“Who is Drew?” I asked.

Heather gasped, whirling around, hand to her heart. “You scared me.”

“Clearly. Who is he?”

“I gave you a name.”

“Yeah, is it an ex?”